Paulo Renato Ferreira, from
“Peace and Love”, Americana,
speaks to the magazine
“Around pain” is the title
and the theme of our
editorial, which reminds us
that God does not make sense
of people, although just few
of us can realize the
goodness that the Father
gives us.
Paulo Renato Ferreira,
confrere settled in
Americana (SP), is our
interviewed. The interview
given to our collaborator
Orson Peter Carrara, he
talks about his experience
in the spirit midst and
tells how it was founded the
Spirit Center Peace and
Love, in his city. The
report is one of the
highlights in this edition.
Another spot is the
conclusion of the Especial
“Would Teodora have kill 500
prostitutes?”, authored by
Paulo Neto, known spirit
scholar settled in Belo
Horizonte (MG). The first
part of the article was
published in last week
It was founded on January
3rd, 1989, the Humanitarian
Institute for Development
and Social Assistance The
Sower, located in Alphaville
(SP), it has celebrated last
month another anniversary,
having Divaldo Franco as an
especial guest. See how the
event went in the report
written by Djair de Souza
July 1st reminds us the
launching occurred in 1869
of the newspaper The Eco
Beyond the Grave, the
first spirit periodical
published in Brazil. It was
edited in Salvador, where it
was before known as Province
of Bahia, its editor, writer
and distributer was the
first spirit pioneer Luís
Olímpio Teles de Menezes.