Around pain
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted by God, we can comfort those which are in any trouble." (2 Cor 1: 3-5)
God comforts the humble. Not that He prefers some over others. It says the wisdom of the Gospel: God does not make sense of persons. It is only that the humble can perceive relief.
Thereby, God sends consolation to all beings, with the same force with the same "quantity", with the same love, but few are those who understand it. According to Emmanuel, if we learn to understand, and we exercise this virtue, we would already love. Understanding is a step towards the achievement of indulgence, characteristic of protectors.
Paraclete is designation of the Holy Spirit. Paraclete, etymologically, means "one who stands beside"; hence it is interpreted as "Comforter", as many older bibles interpreted. However, this Greek term, over time, changed the name "lawyer" as much of the modern bibles interpret.
The Vulgate, the Latin translation of the Greek text, circumvents the problem not translating the term, satisfying with the similarity between Paraclete and Holy Spirit. According to Emmanuel, the name Holy Spirit means a host of redeemed spirits who work in the name of Jesus.
Every acquisition should become useful to our brothers. Our experience with the pain should be shared. If our experience is comforting, we will be able to provide the comfort received. Paul makes it clear that all suffering should be valued by the trust. The Christian's suffering is a privilege. "... Because to you it is not only given to believe in Christ, but also suffer for him." (Phil 1: 29)
Only those who suffer with confidence, resignation and patience, suffer for Jesus. Empathy with the heart that struggles to communicate some comfort is required. And it is only capable of empathy who understands another's pain by the its own pain. Hence the importance of support groups.
"Fundamentally considered, the pain is a balance of law and education." And "pain follows all our steps: stalking us all the way round. And before this sphinx which stares with its strange look, the man makes the eternal question: Why is there pain?" (The problem of being, fate and pain, Léon Denis, ch. 26)
Christians are accused of doing apology of pain. The very glory of Jesus was won with the sacrifice of his life. What we value, however, it is not the pain itself, but the edifying experience it provides.
If it is well experienced, the pain enriches us with virtues, especially humility. It is important as a means of redress of wrong acts and source of hope.