Letter to the reader

Year 11 - N° 527 - July 30, 2017

Samuel Nunes Magalhães speaks to the magazine

“It is preferable to reject tem truths...” is the title of our editorial which brings considerations around the article Understanding the Threefold Aspect of Spiritism, one of the spots of the present edition.

“It is necessary to study the Codification.” This sentence summarizes the thought of our interviewee, the confrere from Ceará Samuel Nunes Magalhães, who lives in Brasília (DF). Athor of many spirit works, he participates in the activities of Brazilian Spirit Federation in which he collaborates in the social services, mediumship meetings, public lectures, memory area and documentation, besides takes part in interviews in FEBTV programs.

Understanding the Threefold Aspect of Spiritism” is the title of the especial which illustrates the present edition. The article written by our collaborator Leonardo Marmo Moreira, who adverts, among other points, that the famous recommendation of Erastus “it is preferable to reject ten truths than to accept a single lie, a single false theory” is forgotten by many writers, speakers and exhibitors and leaders who work spirit movement. 

It ended last Sunday, 23rd the 2ª Cultural Spirit Week, which had started on July 15th; the event promoted by the Spirit Center Our Home, from Londrina, with the main theme “The Psychology  of Chico Xavier as a bridge to build the true Christian world”. Maria Helena P. de Oliveira Souza tells us how important the event was.


It was published on July 28th by EVOC – Virtual Publisher of The Comforter the e-book “Alcoholism: at the edge of the addiction”, by Damião Borges Marins. The book, which does not have printed version, only virtual, can be read or downloaded for free. Here is the link.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado - francine.cassia@hotmail.com



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita