A chat with Osmar Marthi Filho
“What is, in fact, essential in our life” is the title
and the theme of our editorial.
Spirit since he was born in Sorocaba (SP), where he
still lives, Osmar Marthi Filho is our interviewee.
Connected to the Spirit Society and Philanthropic Sister
Francisca, in her city, she is spirit speaker and also
responsible for spreading and internal communication in
the institution, as well as being a member in Doctrinal
Department, the coordination of public lectures and
“Considerations about mediumship” is the title of the
Especial of the present edition, authored by José
Passini, member of the Editorial Board of this magazine,
settled in Juiz de Fora (MG). Passini reminds us in his
article, according to Spiritism, the mediumship “must be
used to noble purposes, general interest and not to
small talks.”
Paulo Salerno tells us in an especial report, how it was
the trip of Divaldo Franco in the end of August, through
the cities Santa Cruz do Sul and Novo Hamburgo in Rio
Grande do Sul. The report is one of the spots of this
On a day like today, September 17th 1865,
Allan Kardec was still incarnated and in full activity
when it was founded in Salvador (BA) the Familiar Group
of Spiritism, known as the first spirit society which
appeared in Brazil. Its founder, Luís Olímpio Teles de
Menezes was also a pioneer in Brazilian spirit press.