The Revue
Spirite of
Part 11
We continue in this issue the study of the Revue
Spirite of 1861, a monthly newspaper focused on the
divulgation of Spiritism, founded and directed by Allan
Kardec. This study is based on the translation into the
Portuguese language made by Julio Abreu Filho and
published by EDICEL. The answers to the proposed issues
are at the end of the text for reading.
Issues for discussion
A. What is the relation, according to Kardec, that
exists between Spiritism and Christianity?
B. When we return to the spiritual world, what will we
be asked?
C. Do people, who are born with mental retardation, like
the cretins, see what is going on next to them?
Text for reading
187. Mentioning the opponents of Spiritism, Kardec said:
"Seeing the moral benefits it provides, the consolations
it gives, the crimes it has already prevented, one
wonders: who has an interest in fighting it?" (P. 315)
188. And he himself answered: the unbelievers, the
ignorant and those who have material interests to
defend. (P.
189. The third category of opponents is more dangerous,
because it is tenacious and perfidious: to defend
interests that may be impaired, they fight in the shade,
and they do not lack arrows poisoned by slander. (P.
190. Kardec then proposed to them to continue to preach
through examples and to make Spiritism understood with
its salutary consequences, and the unbelievers
themselves would be forced to speak of it with respect. (P.
191. Christianity, in its emergence, had to fight
against a terrible power: Paganism. Spiritism has
nothing to destroy, because it bases its foundations on
Christianity itself and on the Gospel, of which it is
simple application. (P. 316)
192. Is the morality it teaches good or bad? Is it
subversive? That is the question. Now, since it is the
morality of the Gospel developed and applied, to condemn
it would be to condemn the Gospel. (P.
193. Spiritism is far from antagonism and it is the most
powerful help towards religion, because it prevents many
suicides, returns peace and concord to many families,
appeases violent and angry men, gives resignation and
consolation to those who did not have them, and brings
back to God those who did not recognize Him. (P. 317)
194. In a letter addressed to the Spiritists of Lyons,
Erasto calls himself the propagandist of individual
freedom, necessary to the development of the incarnated,
and says that the equality proclaimed by Christ is the
equality before the justice of God, that is, the right
to rise in the hierarchy of the Spirits and to one day
reach the worlds where perfect happiness reigns. (P.
195. Equality before God is true equality, says Erastus.
No one will ask us what we had on Earth, but how did we
use what we had here. (P. 320)
196. Erastus further stated that if Christianity
defended equality and egalitarian laws, Spiritism
embraces fraternity and its laws, a great and lasting
work, which future centuries will bless. (P.
197. In the letter, Erasto suggests to the Lyonians
Spiritists that they follow the example given by the
Spiritists of Bordeaux. (P. 322)
198. He also advises to repel all Spirits who preach
division and isolation. (P.
199. Warning about the danger of fascination, Erastus
repeated a classic piece of advice given by him in
Paris: "It is better to repel ten truths momentarily
than to admit one lie, one false theory." (Pages 323 and
200. In a message given at the Spiritist Society of
Paris, the Spirit of Eugene Scribe admitted that with
the gifts received from God, he should have done better
for Humanity in his last earthly existence. (Pages 325
and 326)
201. Pierre Jouty (Spirit) says that the cretins are
punished on Earth for the misuse of powerful faculties.
"Their soul," says Pierre "is imprisoned in a body and
their powerless organs cannot express their thought.
This moral and physical mutism is one of the cruelest
earthly punishments"(P. 327)
202. They are morally in the same state as the
lethargic, which see and hear what is going on around
them, without being able to express it. Thus, to mock,
insult, and to mistreat them, as it is done sometimes,
is to increase their suffering. (PP
327 and 328)
203. A Spirit said in Lyons that jealousy is the
companion of pride and envy. To envy the rich is,
however, to ignore that he is only an agent of God: if
he makes bad use of his fortune, he will have to give
Him an accurate account of them. (P. 330)
204. Also in Lyon, a beautiful message about charity was
received. "Charity, my friends, is done in many ways.
You can do it by thought, words and deeds, "said the
Spirit, who unfolded his idea. (P.
205. Concluding the message, its author says: "I give
you this maxim of Christ: Love one another. Practice
this maxim; unite around this banner and you will
receive happiness and consolation". (P. 332) (Continued
on next issue.)
Answers to the proposed issues
A. What is the relation, according to Kardec, that
exists between Spiritism and Christianity?
After proposing, in a text published in the Revue,
that we Spiritists should preach the Doctrine by
example, Kardec says that Spiritism is based on
Christianity itself and on the Gospel, of which it is a
simple application. (Revue Spirite, 1861,
pages 316 and 317).
B. When we return to the spiritual world, what will we
be asked?
Erastus says that nobody will ask us what we had on
Earth, but the use we made of what we had here. (Ibid,
page 320).
C. Do people, who are born with mental retardation, like
the cretins, see what is going on next to them?
Yes. Their souls are imprisoned in bodies whose
powerless organs cannot express their thought. Such
people are morally in the same state as the lethargic
which see and hear what is going on around them, without
being able to express it. Thus, to mock, to insult and
to mistreat them, as sometimes is done, is to increase
their suffering. (Ibid, pages 327 and 328).