The physician José Henrique
Rubim de Carvalho talks to
the magazine
“Be a good medium and not
only a medium, it is what
matters” is the title of our
editorial which brings the
importance of mediumship and
its goal.
One of the spots of the
current edition is the
interview given by the
physician José Henrique
Rubim de Carvalho, president
of Physician- Spirit
Association of Nova Friburgo
(RJ), to the journalist
Giovana Campos. In the
interview he talks about the
connection between anxiety
and stroke (AVC), one thing
so common in our time.
“Mediumship, mediums and
mental connection among
beings” is the title and the
theme of the Especial
written by our collaborator
Claudia Gelernter, which she
tells about valuable
considerations about
mediumship under spirit
teachings. The article has
been divided in two parts.
Its conclusion is going to
be published next edition.
Divaldo Franco coordinated
in Praia do Forte, Bahia, in
the end of October, the 20º
Fraternal Meeting promoted
every year by him and it
brings participants from
many Brazilian States and
abroad too. Paulo Salerno
tells us in an especial
report, how the event was.
The report is one of the
spots of the current
November 14th was
celebrated one more birth
anniversary, which occurred
in 1876, of Manoel Philomeno
de Miranda. He was born in
Jangada, borough of Conde
(BA), Philomeno met
Spiritism ate the age of 38
under the influence and
orientation of José
Petitinga; he was spirit
active at that moment the
new Union Spirit in Bahia,
founded in 1915, whose he
integrated from 1921 to 1942
when he died. Spiritual
author of mediumship works
well appreciated in spirit
midst, his psychographic
books by Divaldo Franco has
been studied regularly in
all editions of our
magazine. |