The physician
José Roberto Pereira Santos is our
“New year, new life” is the title and the theme of our
editorial, wherewith we express to our readers vows of
peace, health and prosperity in the year which begins.
“The living will and the bioethical issue” is the
interview’s theme given by dr. José Roberto Pereira
Santos, intensivist doctor and coordinator of the
Bioethical Department of AME-Brazil. It is known by
living will the decisions which the patient specifies
actions should be taken or not when he/she gets
seriously sick and have not conditions to show his/her
“What brain has to teach to mediums?” is the title of
the Especial written by the neurologist, professor and
writer dr. Nubor Orlando Facure. He brings clearly the
considerations about the tools of human and spiritual
vision, the called psychic clinging.
It occurred since on December 13th, in Dique do Tororó,
the 20ª edition of the Movement You and Peace, of
Salvador, Bahia. Those activities happened on 15th
(Farol da Barra, 17th (Shopping da Bahia) and
19th (Praça do Campo Grance), when it ended.
Paulo Salerno tells us how it was the important event.
Yesterday, January 6th, spirits from all over the world
celebrated the 150th anniversary of Genesis, Miracles
and Predictions according to Spiritism’s first
edition release in 1868, by Allan Kardec. Kardec wrote
in its introduction: “This new work is one more step
given to the terrain of the consequences and
applications of Spiritism. As its title indicates, it
has as its object the study of the three points hitherto
differently interpreted and commented: genesis, miracles
and predictions, in their relations with the new laws
that derive from the observation of the spirit