A chat with Sonira de Lemos Giosa
“Not everything suits us” is the title of our editorial,
which brings considerations about the known sentence
said by Paul of Tarsus: “Everything is lawful for me,
but not everything suits me.”
Sonira de Lemos Giosa, from Varginha (MG), lives in
Poços de Caldas (MG), where Works in Raul Cury Fraternal
Union and is the current president of the City Spirit
Boarder, talks about the Winter Spirit Meeting scheduled
for this year which is already open for subscription.
The interview is one of the spots of this edition.
“Blind faith can become a knife” is the title of this
especial number published authored by our collaborators
Wellington Balbo and Marcus Braga, which focus on
disagreements in our midst, motivated by many questions
that could be solved in an intelligent and respectful
On January 14th, 1968, 50 years ago to be
exact, Londrina watched the appearance of the radio
program “Spirit Moment”, an initiative of the Spirit
Centre Our Home, that had published for months before
the journal “Our Home” and next year would launch other
radio program, “Spirit Herald”.
Tomorrow – January 15th – it celebrates one more
launching anniversary of the Mediums’ Book which
had happened in 1861, by Allan Kardec, with these
dedicated words: “Especial teaching of the Spirits about
the theory of all genres of manifestations, ways of
communication with the invisible world, mediumship
development, difficulties and stumbling that could be
found in Spiritism practice, following the Spirit’s