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Danielle Aparecida Queiroz Antunes
“What can make a person happy” is the theme of our
editorial, which focus on Spiritism light the theme
happiness and explains why happiness is not of this
Danielle Aparecida Queiroz Antunes, was born in Capão
Bonito and lives in Bauru (SP), bounded to the Spirit
Centre Vicente de Paulo, is a researcher of Allan
Kardec’s work and coordinator of the study group pf the
works The Gospel According to Spiritism and
Heaven and Hell. She talks about her research work
of Kardec’s work in the interview.
“Rain of Stars” is the title of this week Especial
authored by our collaborator Guaraci de Lima Silveira,
from Juiz de Fora (MG). He tries to weave in his article
correlations between to songs of Noel Rosa titles “Astro
Maior” – Major Star and a certain part of the known
Prophetic Sermon in which is said “stars will fall from
the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken”.
In an especial report, our collaborator Djair de Souza
Ribeiro, with pictures of Sandra Patrocínio, tells us
how it was the 34º Spirit Congress of the State of
Goiás, in Goiânia on the last days of Carnival. The
opening conference, February 11, was uttered by Divaldo
It was published on February 23 by EVOC – Virtual
Publisher of The Comforter the e-book Chico Xavier, a
truly female soul, authored by our collaborator
Paulo da Silva Neto Sobrinho. The book in its digital
format can be read and downloaded for free, as usual for
all works published by EVOC. Access here,
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