A chat with the idealizer of the
NGO Brotherhood Without Borders
“Doing good and not evil is our motto” is the theme of
our editorial which discourses about an old critic done
in France by an opponent of the spirit doctrine, who
called it the perverse doctrine.
Our interviewee this week is Wagner Moura, idealizer of
the NGO Brotherhood Without Borders. In the interview,
given to the journalist Giovana Campos, he talks about
projects kept by the known institution in Africa and
Brazil’s North and Northeast areas.
Leonardo Marmo is the author of the Especial
“Kardec-Strict” versus “Permissive Spiritualism”, that
examines two ideas in course in spirit movement in
Brazil, one restrictive that sees Spiritism is just
Kardec’s work and the other opened to proposals and
spiritualists works not always in accordance with
It occurred two memorable nights for Divaldo Franco last
month in Piauí. On the first night, February 23, it was
granted to him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the
Federal University of Piauí. On the following night, 24,
it was addressed to the speaker another beautiful
tribute and he had spoken to many people, as Iveline
Prado and Kátia Marabuco tell us.
On a day like today, March 11, it disincarnated in 1951
in Niterói (RJ), João Batista Chagas, one of the
organizers of the 1º Spirit Youth Congress of Brazil
from July 17 to 23 in 1948. He was born in Recife (PE),
a great promoter of the Spirit Doctrine to all media and
correspondent of many spirit institutions, even in
Portugal and Spain.