Letter to the reader

Year 11 - 560 - March 25, 2018

Jack Darsa speaks to the magazine

“Hydesville, a hundred and seventy years later” is the title of our editorial, which talks about the challenge brought to the spirits, 170 years after the advent of modern Spiritism, a fact occurred on March 31, 1848, in Hydesville, United States.

Internet on the behalf of spirit spreading, is the main theme of the interview given by the confrere Jack Darsa, from Brasília (DF), where, among many charges, he is in the Spirit Communion Producer of Brasília the coordinator. In the interview he talks about the projects Walking with Jesus and Talking to Mayse, produced by him and carry on in an own channel kept by YouTube institution.

“It is not enough get marry. It is imperative to know why.” This sentence was put as cross heading in the Especial “Married and separation”, written by our collaborator Cláudio Bueno da Silva. He reminds us in the article that the number of divorces occurred in Brazil has been increasing every year as it has never seen before.

It happened from March 12 to 18 the XX Spirit State Conference, event which happens every year under the auspices of the Spirit Federation of Paraná. The Conference was held in two parts. First March 12 to 15, the invited speakers talked in countryside places of Paraná, as it is shown in an especial writing of our collaborator Paulo Salerno.


On a day like today – March 29, 1939 – disembodied in Bahia’s capital the founder of the Spirit Union of Bahia (current known as Spirit Federation of Bahia State), José Florentino de Sena, best known as José Petitinga. Accountant, journalist, poet, Petitinga is seen as one of the most important people in spirit in his state, throw the years he has become a majesty of great and notable spirits: Luís Olímpio Teles de Menezes, Carlos Imbassahy, Leopoldo Machado, Deolindo Amorim, Manoel Philomeno de Miranda and Divaldo Franco, among others.


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita