Letter to the reader

Year 12 - 562 - April 8, 2018

Maroísa Forster Pellegrini Baio speaks to the magazine

“Intolerance is always unacceptable” is the title of our editorial which brings considerations about the disturbing current moment that spirit Brazilian movement faces.

Maroísa Forster Pellegrini Baio, from Limeira (SP), is our interviewee.

Professor in professional life, she is a spirit speaker, vice-president and coordinator of the Group Studies of Gospel, in her town. She talks about the importance of the study of the Spirit Magazine, which Allan Kardec founded and directed from January 1858 to March 1869 when he disembodied.

“Protestant Reformation and Spiritism” is the title and the theme of the especial published in this current edition. Our collaborator André Luiz Alves Jr. focus on happenings that were responsible for religious reforms beginning which took to the creation of protestant religions as they say.

It happened on March 24 and 25 the 8ª Yearly Spirit Federation Conference of Florida, which had the participation of the speakers Haroldo Dutra Dias, Sérigo Lopes, Alberto Almeida and Divaldo Franco. It is shown in an especial report written by our collaborator Ênio Medeiros.


O Consolador 
The Comforter) magazine was founded on April 18, 2007. It starts its 12º year. There is no better occasion to show our gratitude to all who contributed to the achievement of the goal that moved us when we founded it: take spirit teachings to all places, fast, for free and without restriction of any kind.

Thank you very much to all companions who have helped us to accomplish every magazine’s edition and thank you to our loyal readers. Without your collaboration, our purposes would only be a brief dream.


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita