Letter to the reader

Year 12 - 563 - April 15, 2018

Augusto Cantusio Neto is our interviewee

“Obsession: evil of easy remedy, but difficult cure” is the title of our editorial, which are focus obsession theme and the importance of its treatment.

In the interview given to this magazine, Augusto Neto, from Campinas (SP), tells us about the work that composes the Psychologic Sequel authored by Joanna de Ângelis, spiritual mentor of the medium and speaker Divaldo Franco. Our interviewee has been spirit for over twenty years and works at Joana de Ângelis Spirit Harvest, in his city which he was already president.

Our collaborator André Luiz Alves Jr has concluded his article “The Protestant Reform and the Spiritism”, which he targets the happenings that were responsible for the religious reforms, leading to the creation of religions called protestants. The first part of the article was published in the previous edition.

It happened on March 16, 17 and 18 in Punta del Este, Uruguay, the 1º Latin American Congress of Medicine and Spirituality; with collaboration of physician speakers from many different South America countries. It is shown in an especial report written by Eduardo dos Santos, vice-president of the Uruguayan Spirit Federation.


Next Wednesday, April 18, it is celebrated another anniversary of the advent of the main spirit work – The Spirit’s Book, Allan Kardec; its launching points out the initial moment of the spirit doctrine. It is celebrated on the same day the 11th year of this magazine, which appeared on the day that celebrated the first sesquicentenary of The Spirit’s Book.


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita