The journalist Daniela Migliari speaks to
the magazine
“Dura lex, sed latex” is the
title of our editorial which
brings the pertinence of the
Latin maximum quote “dura
lex sed lex” – the law is
hard, but is law – regarding
to the functioning of divine
justice law.
Daniela Migliari,
journalist, spirit writer
was born and life in
Brasília (DF), is our
interviewee. Volunteer of
the Spirit Communion of
Brasília where she gives
lectures and work as a
psychophonic medium, she
talks about her role in
spirit midst in the
interview. The report is one
of the spots of the current
edition and has been written
by André Ribeiro Ferreira.
“Sex change surgery: what
spirits think of” is the
title of the week´s
Especial, authored by
Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira,
physician and member of the
Editorial Board of our
magazine. In the article,
the author enlightens among
other points, the especial
difference between
transsexuality and
Our collaborator Ênio
Medeiros, who goes along
with Divaldo Franco in his
trip to Europe, tells us how
it was the seminar “Be Happy
Today” that the famous
speaker gave in May 19-20 in
Winterthur, Switzerland. The
report is one of the spots
of the week.
Last Wednesday, May 23rd,
was celebrated one more day
of birth of Franz Anton
Mesmer who was born in 1734
and became the founder of
animal´s magnetism theory
also known as mesmerism. It
was fought for decades but
his theory was recognized in
1831 by the Medical Academy
of Paris after five years of
researches and many