Letter to the reader

Year 12 - 575 - July 8 2018

Sonia Maria Franco Bossolani is our interviewee

“Dying does not solve problems” is the title of our editorial which brings considerations about the growth number of suicides among young people, here in Brazil and in the United State.

Sonia Maria Franco Bossolani is our interviewee this week. She was born in Araraquara (SP). Social worker and member of the Supervisory Board of the Care and Spirit Centre Paulo de Tarso. In the interview she tells us about the importance of support and education to children into the transformation of this troubled world we live in.

“Maria, simply Maria!”, is the title and the theme of the Especial in the present edition, where its author, Temi Mary Faccio Simionato, one of magazines´ writers, focus on the extraordinary figure of Maria of Nazareth, who God chose to be Jesus’ mother, the spiritual governor of our world.

Ênio Medeiros tells us how it was the final part of the trip held by Divaldo Franco in Europe, where he spoke to spirits of Berlin, Stuttgart and Mannheim.


It starts in 13 days the 3rd Culture Spirit Week in Londrina in the Spirit Centre Our Home. It lasts from 21 to 29 of July, and the theme is: “Spiritism as the light of the world”. The writer and speaker Adilson Salles participates of its opening. The speaker-singer Paula Zamp presents herself at its ending.


  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita