Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


The Rug

That afternoon, Jonas didin’t want to do his homework. If he made an effort himself, it would soon be done. But he did it slowly, everything was distracting. He wrote in an ugly script, erred, and complained about having to erase and redo.

His mother, noting his difficulty, tried to help:

- Come on, son! If you dedicate yourself and pay attention, your letter will be much better and you will be able to do it faster and without errors. By doing the right thing, you will learn better.

But the son, nervous and grudging, complained:

- What for so much work? I do not like studying these things! It would be much better if there was no school!

The mother, then, to calm the situation, proposed a pause and then called Jonas to talk:

- Son, I know you see no reason to study, but I want to tell you a story:

"There was once a young man named Joseph, who lived with his parents in a very simple house in the country. They had a small plantation and raised some animals. They lived without luxury, but they had what they needed.

However, Joseph wanted to get out of there. He wanted to meet other places, other people. He started thinking about forming his family. He also wanted to help his parents when they could not work.

So he decided to leave in search of his dreams. His journey would be on foot, long and tiring. He would feed himself on fruit and leaves that he could find along the way. His parents supported him despite some concern.

His mother, at the time of farewell, wrapped a small rug and gave it to him to take. The boy did not like the idea. He argued that it would have no use, besides being an extra weight to carry. But the mother insisted, saying:

- My son, we cannot let you leave for such an adventure without recourse. We do not know what awaits you. I want you to take this rug.

The son, even without agreeing, accepted it. He said goodbye and left, determined to get rid of the burden when he get tired of carrying it.

In fact, after some time of walking, he left the carpet along the road and continued his journey. However, the path he walked on became narrow, enclosed by thorny plants that began to bruise him and even tear his clothes.

Joseph stopped. He remembered the rug and came back to pick it up. It was not large, but it served as a sturdy cape, and the young man was able to cross the hawthorn without hurting himself.

At the end of that day, very tired already, the boy chose a place to sleep. He spread the carpet and laid on it. It was not a soft bed, but it protected his face from dust and weeds. He could sleep and rest all night.

Joseph walked for many days. He was not thinking of getting rid of the rug. On the contrary, he realized how useful it was.

He used it when he had to sleep on stony ground. He protected himself with it from a swarm of bees. He curled up on the rug on cold nights. He protected himself with it from the strong sun and the storm.

One day, Joseph came to a city. That was where their dreams would come true. He passed the shop of Mister Tiao when he realized that there was fire inside. Without delay, he rolled up the rug and slammed the fire until it went out, managing to avoid the fire.

Mister Tiao was so grateful that he gave him room to live and work in his workshop.

Later he also gave him the hand of his daughter, Joanna, in marriage. Joseph had a family and also sought his parents to live near him. And they were all happy forever! "

The mother finished the story, and when she started to explain it, Jonas, who was very smart, got up, took his notebook and said conformed:

- Okay, I got it! School is my "rug," isn’t it?

His mother smiled in satisfaction, kissed Jonas, and let him finish his task.


Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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