Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Helping hands

Anastasia, even living in a humble neighborhood in the midst of poverty, possessed great wealth; a generous and benevolent heart, where there is always room to welcome and help people.

In spite of all her duties, she had time to listen to, counsel, and comfort those who look for her. She was known as Misses Anastasia in respect to her kind figure who radiated fluids of peace and light, and wherever she passed she left an aura of magic and lightness.

When they got hurt, the children would run to her house, where they would find an affectionate breath or a remedy to heal the boo-boos. When they got into big trouble, the little ones ran to Misses Anastasia and begged her to speak to their mothers to calm them down and then escape from a bigger punishment.

The women would advise themselves about some problem in the family and she always had a friendly word, a word of advice or just a patient and discreet ear to hear them.

Even men in times of great distress and concern looked for her, and in spite of the little education the benefactor used the wisdom and goodness of the heart to assist them.

When Misses Anastasia disincarnated, the whole neighborhood felt orphaned. The people lost the reference, they felt helpless and alone. The neighbors came together to talk about their pain and pray for Misses Anastasia. When they needed help, they looked for the neighbor with whom they had the most affinity, and in each corner a Misses Anastasia appeared.

Sara had moved to another city and when she returned to live in the neighborhood, she lamented the death of the benefactor and asked: How did you stay?

- It was really hard at first, but now we're fine. My Misses Anastasia is Silvia and I am Misses Anastacia to Josefa and...

- Wait a minute, I do not understand - Sara said.

- We have discovered that any of us can be a Misses Anastasia, all we need is love, patience, discretion and goodwill - Marisa said.

- And does it work? - Sara wanted to know.

- We're not as good as the teacher yet, but we've been able to help each other, and that's good -  says Marisa.

- Wow! I'm surprised. It is a privilege to come back to live in the neighborhood with you, with so many hands that help. Come here and give me a hug, Misses Anastasia - Sara said excitedly.


Text by Lúcia Noll, from Santo Ângelo (RS).


Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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