Divaldo Franco in South lands
On the 16th of this month,
the Legislative Assembly of
the State of Rio Grande do
Sul paid tribute to our
friend Divaldo Franco, a
tribune and a medium from
Bahia, at a ceremony held at
Júlio de Castilhos Saloon,
due to the work done by him
for the benefit of the human
creature, both in the care
of children and young
people, and in spreading the
Spirit Doctrine in Brazil
and abroad, as well as for
his actions in favour of
peace. At the opportunity
and on the following days
the speaker spoke to the
spirits of the cities of
Porto Alegre, Novo Hamburgo
and Pelotas, as shown by an
especial article authored by
our collaborator Paulo
Allan Kardec Pitta Veloso,
of São Paulo, Piracicaba,
now based in the city of
Itanhaém (SP), former
vice-president of USE -
Union of Spirit Societies of
the State of São Paulo, the
unifying organization of the
Spirit movement in the
state, is our interviewee.
Economist and journalist,
with specialization in
political sciences, the
confrere is grandson of João
Leão Pitta and Francisco
Velloso, who were expressive
figures of the spirit
movement in São Paulo.
"Planetary transition: where
will we go?" This, the title
of the Special that
illustrates the present
edition. In it, André Luiz
Alves Jr. seeks to answer
several questions that are
frequently presented on the
subject, since few know what
are the implications of
these transformations for
us, spirits affiliated to
the Earth. After all, when
will the planetary
transition take place? What
about us: are we going to be
exiled to another world or
are we going to stay here? |