Bahia gave us the first spirit Brazilian
Tomorrow, September 17th,
another anniversary of the
foundation of the first
Brazilian spirit group, the
Family Group of Spiritism,
which was founded on 17th September
1865 in Salvador (BA), on
the initiative of Luís
Olímpio Teles de Menezes, 40
years old at the time, who,
four years later, in July
1869, would launch the first
spirit journal of Brazil, The
Echo Beyond This World.
When the Family Group of
Spiritism was born, Allan
Kardec was still
reincarnated. An especial
issue signed by our
collaborator Ana Moraes
focuses on the important
"Spiritism proves us, with
facts, that no one dies" -
this thought is presented in
the interview given to us by
the spirit scholar Rubens de
Araújo, in Araraquara (SP).
Connected to the André Luiz
Spirit Assisting Nucleus, of
which he is a leader, the
confrere is a speaker,
writer of USE Araraquara
(SP) and facilitator of
courses and seminars. In the
interview, which is one of
the highlights of this
edition, he tells us, among
other things, how he became
It is authored by Guaraci de
Lima Silveira, writer and
speaker based in the city of
Juiz de Fora (MG), the "We
Shape Our Future" Especial.
In it, the esteemed confrere
remembers that our world has
reached at a time of
extraordinary achievements,
but in parallel to that,
intolerance, crime and abuse
of every kind blur with
stains the scientific and
technological advances of
contemporary society. The
article is one of the
highlights of this edition.