Nazareno Tourinho has returned to
spiritual home
Nine days ago, Friday 19th,
Nazareno Bastos Tourinho,
writer and playwright,
disembodied in Belém do Pará.
He was member of the Academy
Letters in Pará. He suffered
a heart attack after feeling
sick at a cousin’s house and
was taken to ER of
Sacramenta. The funeral was
at the Nazareno’s Spirit
House, founded by him, at
Campos Sales lane, Campina
neighbourhood, Pará’s
capital city.
Nazareno Tourinho would be
84 years old in December.
Successful theatrical
writer, he wrote many spirit
work, like “Spiritism Drops”
and “Spirit Ethic without
Mysticism”. It can be seemed
a list of his main published
“It is necessary to go after
our inner change to be
spirit.” This sentence
belongs to our confrere
Bruno Freitas Godinho, this
week interviewee, who
visited our realm recently.
He was born in 1972 at a
spirit home, he dedicates
himself to Spiritism
spreading through lectures
and he is also one worker at
Spirit Society Eternal
Growing, located in Porto
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul’s
capital city.
The spirit scholar Paulo da
Silva Neto Sobrinho has
completed his article
“Herculano Pires and André
Luiz’s Works”, which he
brings considerations about
what the journalist and
writer José Herculano Pires
wrote regarding André Luiz’s
works, known spirit by Chico
Xavier’s hands, he wrote the
famous sequels Our Home. Its
first part was published
last edition.
Macrel Gonçalves spots on a
work that is done since 1967
when it was founded the Home
of Zulma’s Elders, a
pleasant institution in São
José, metropolitan region in
Florianópolis, capital city
of Paraná, in an especial
report. The Home is under
the responsibility of the
Spirit Association Tereza de
Jesus, and its aim is always
to provide a dignified life
to elderly who arrive at the
institution looking for a