Gil Arquimedes Cones (photo) is an insurance broker with degrees in Education and Law. He was born in the city of Piracicaba and lives in Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, both in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. He’s a volunteer worker at Centro Espírita Emmanuel and president of the Childrens’ Home. In this interview, he speaks about the relentless work carried out by the Children’s Home, an organisation found and directed by Spiritists
When did the Children’s Home was founded?
According to the founders, they received a mediunimic message from the Spiritual Benefactors saying that an institution should be founded to look after homeless and vulnerable children. It was founded six months later, on December, 21st, 1958, as the city social services centre. After many years planning and raising funds, they opened its permanent home, beginning its work as a children’s nursery.
What is its official name?
It is called ABE - Associação de Beneficência e Educação - Casa da Criança, de Santa Bárbara d´Oeste, or Beneficence and Education Centre, Children’s Home. Even though it was created by Spiritists and it is managed by Spiritists, this fact is not mentioned in its regulations, as the law does not allow it. The Children’s Home is the only such organisation in the city, even though there are other nurseries in the area.
How many children do you look after at the moment?
We look after 450 children aged from 1 to 17, in the nursery and in after and before school clubs. There are also 40 children who live there, in four homes. We also attend families who are in a vulnerable situation to give them a better opportunity in life, providing home, food, training courses and work opportunities. In other words, we prepare them for an independent life. We also help 395 families who are below the poverty line. We provide in total 580,000 meals a year. We have 100 employees and 25 volunteers and we are trying to get a plot of land to build a children’s hospital too.
Where do the financial resources come from?
We have many sources: funding from the federal government, from the São Paulo state budget, from the local council and also donations. We have a telemarketing system and a team of motorbike despatches who go are ready to go anywhere to collect the donations. We are diversifying and this year we began raising funds through training courses that we offer and a pizzeria we have set up, called “A Lovely Pizza”.
What the main challenges you have faced?
Financial problems caused by delays or reductions in donations and also a higher demand from vulnerable children and family, as a result of the current economic crisis. Also, the lack of commitment from many.
What are the contacts for those who are willing to make donations?
You may access our web page:
Our address is: Av. dos Bandeirantes,705 - Vila Oliveira, Santa Bárbara d’Oeste SP - CEP 13453-023 e telefone + 55 1934991910.
Tell us about the mediunimic event that took place after you joined the Childrens’ Home.
My life has been marked by many mediunimic phenomena, which I only came to understand much later. When I became president of the Childrens’ Home I faced a big problem: a group of members wanted to close the institution. After I said that I was against the idea, some of them abandoned me. But I remained confident that I was there to do an important job and that was my destiny. One day, I dreamt that a Spirit came to me and told me to finish off the dragon-fly. I was very moved by that dream and remembered it when I woke up.
On my way to the Childrens’ Home, I met Alan Bueno Quirino, who is from the family of one of the founders and told him the funny dream. He asked me look for an old blueprint of the organisation’s building. I found in a small room the original plans for the building. I then phoned him and he told me: There you are, your dragon-fly. And yes, the building had the shape of a dragon-fly. I then worked hard to finish the head and the two front wings of the dragon-fly, which was what was missing.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I would just like to say that on the façade of the Childrens’ Home building we engraved our motto: “We learn here to love and serve”. |