
por Orson Peter Carrara

Samaritans: a Spiritist group focused on study and social action

Spiritist for 30 years, Maria Claudia Cheberle Moraes de Oliveira (photo)was born and lives in Pocos de Caldas (MG), where she presides over the Spiritist Group of the Samaritans. Retired from the Education Department, she is a post-graduate student in Education. Her answers offer a synthesis of the active institution in Minas Gerais.

When was the Spiritist Group of Samaritans founded?

It was founded on March 9, 1979, by a group of ladies with knowledge of the Spiritist Doctrine, whose goal was to improve souls and spirits through study and work meetings.

Where did the inspiration for the name of the institution come from?

The name was inspired by the Samaritan Spiritist Group of Belo Horizonte.

What is its main focus and profile?

By statute, the aim is to study and live Spiritism, propagating unlimitedly its doctrinal teachings in accordance with the Codification of Allan Kardec and subsidiary works; to promote the practice of spiritual, moral and material charity, as well as social assistance and promotion.

How did your connection with the institution take place?

My connection with the Group happened in 1988, due to my simple “curiosity” in knowing the Spiritist Doctrine. I started in the Basic Course of the Spiritist Doctrine and a little later in the COEM.

From the doctrinal point of view what main actions characterize the group?

Child Evangelization Work and the Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine.

In terms of integration with the local Spiritist movement, how does the group act?

We try to be always together, in a brotherly friendship with other groups and companions of the Spiritist community.

With regard to social action, tell us about the activities that have been carried out.

A weekly distribution of vegetables/fruit and soup/bread, in 4 main priority districts; we also take the spiritual bread. There are also courses of sewing, embroidery, crochet, and knitting. Mothers Club. Preparation of pajamas and children's clothes, for children from 2 to 10 years old, which are distributed to the needy families, duly registered. We have a Project for Pregnant women that offers on a weekly basis, the Gospel of Jesus and the laying on of hands. The future moms learn basic principles of health, preparation for childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding/childcare and a layette for baby. Parallel to this work, a mediumistic meeting takes place where Spirits in the process of reincarnation manifest and are guided and enlightened. The Soup House, a nucleus of love and brotherhood that extends material and spiritual assistance to the brothers in a needy neighborhood. Annual distribution of blankets. Monthly food baskets. Christmas baskets. Also, dinners, teas, bargain-fairs, and craft bazaars.

About the work groups, what would you like to point out?

They are groups that make an effort to study and improve morals, building and illuminating our House of love, of solidarity and fraternity and raise the Spiritist Doctrine.

From your memories regarding your activities, what is the most striking one to report to the readers?

What moved me most was when, for the first time, I was the intermediary of a Spiritist communication.

Anything else you would like to add?

I would like to highlight the ties of solidarity and Christian fraternity to all groups and members of the Spiritist community. We seek to maintain unity and uniformity of doctrinal orientation, in a harmonious action in favor of the elevation of the Spiritist Doctrine.

Your final words.

I am happy to be linked to and participate in the activities of the Spiritist Group Samaritans / Poços de Caldas; I am happy to be studying this Doctrine that comforts, consoles and enhances us so much. May I increasingly devote myself to Christian-Kardecist principles, deepening my studies, extending my hands and my heart to those who need caring, and enlightenment.



Eleni Frangatos -



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita