
por Orson Peter Carrara

Spiritism is the light that we will spread through our acts and experiences

A Spiritist since 1998, Nilma Mendes de Souza Nery (photo) was born in the Brazilian city of Santos Dumont, in the state of Minas Gerais, and lives in Colorado do Oeste, in Roraima. She has a degree in Education. She is a member of Comunidade Espírita Cristã and has been the president since 2007 of another Spiritist Centre in the city, Núcleo Espírita Francisco de Assis, as she explains in the following interview.

When and how did you become a Spiritist? 

As a child and up to a certain age I had misconceived perceptions about Spiritism. Those false ideas change in 1998, when I was in my first year at university and was invited by a friend to join a group that studied Spiritism at home. I accepted the invitation and have never left. I began working with children in that group and fell in love with the task, perhaps because of the association with the course of Education. My final dissertation was entitled “Education According to Spiritism”.

From then on many good things have happened. The group matured and we found we needed to have our own space to carry out our activities. We built a building on the plot of land where the person who initially hosted the group lived, but we eventually managed to buy the Group’s new home.

Tell us a bit more about the Group.

The Comunidade Espírita Cristã de Colorado do Oeste was founded in the state of Rondônia, in Brazil’s Amazon region, on June 6th 1996 by a small group of brave people who got together to study and try to understand the Spiritist Teachings. Some people have left since and others have arrived. We have a number of daily activities, including study groups for adults and children, talks, healing and mediunimic groups, as well as a radio programme. We have also joined up with the Núcleo Espírita Francisco de Assis, which is based in a poorer neighbourhood in the outskirts of the city. We provide religious education, tutoring and Spanish language lessons for children there.

From the three aspects of Spiritism, which one means the most to you?

It is the coherence of the science, philosophy and religion. Also, being absolutely sure that nothing happens by chance and that we are responsible for the choices we make. Even though it is still very difficult for most of us to deal with the atrocities that happen around the world, and particularly widespread corruption, I have learned from Spiritism that each one of us is responsible for what we do and that we will never be accountable for what others do. So I have learned to develop tolerance and respect for the timing of each one of us. But what really touches my heart are the examples from Christ, the love he has for human beings and how we are repeatedly invited to follow his example.

What can you tell us about the Spiritist Movement in the state of Rondônia, where dealing with the long distances must be a real challenge?

The Spiritist Federation of Rondônia is very dynamic. The directors organise a number of regional meetings and activities with the aim of bringing people together and reducing the distances. But I must say one thing about the Spiritist Movement in general: many haven’t as yet become aware of the importance of disseminating the Teachings. They are looking after their own areas, their possessions, their entertainment and haven’t fully understood that we have the moral duty of spreading the message of Jesus Christ Reborn, which is Spiritism.

What would you like to highlight from your practice and experince in Spiritism?

The fact that I’m an eternal learner. But what really strikes me is how difficult it is to put into practice the Teachings from the Spiritual Benefactors. I see the wonders that Spiritism operates in our lives and I see clearly the invitation that has been addressed to us, which came from before this current incarnation, to share with others and live the Spiritist Teachings. Spiritism, when well understood and put into practice, is the light that we are going to spread through our acts, our Christian behaviour and our experiences. It is the only set of Teachings that can answer all the questions we have about life.

Is there any particular memory from all these years that you would like to share with us? 

I am always comforted by the firm conviction that the Spiritual Benefactors never abandon us and even in those moments when we seem to be alone, lacking the courage to carry on, we are re-energised and consoled through their inspiration and intuition. They come to me in the most unexpected ways. We are never alone and we will always be surrounded by Spirits attracted to us by affinity and by our thoughts. That is why it so important to be vigilant and to pray.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

We need, all of us, to remain confident and without fear. After all, Spiritism is Jesus who has returned. Let’s turn our attention to this sweet friend and we will never, never be alone. Let’s march on without any fear, because at the right time we will be alone with God. Let’s do our best, let’s love a lot so we can be loved. That was the advice from Sanson, a colleague of Allan Kardec and member of the Society of Spiritist Studies of Paris. Finally, I would like to thank you for this interview and stress that Spiritism opens the doors for a new era, which must begin inside each one of us. 



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita