Letter to the reader

Year 12 - 610 - March 17, 2019

200 years ago was born José María Fernández Colavida, “the Spanish Kardec”

On March 19, 1819 – 200 years ago – was born in Tortosa, province of Tarragona, Spain, José María Fernández Colavida, pioneer of the spirit movement in the country and the first translator of the work of Allan Kardec to Spanish. Among his many accomplishments, in addition to translations, he founded the Magazine of Psychology Studies which he was the director and the editor for 20 years. He also founded Barcelona Society of Spiritism spreading that settled in Catalonia´s capital the first Spirit Bookshop in region. It is shown in an especial report by our collaborator Isabel Porras Gonzáles, in Spain.

Our interviewee of the day is the medium psychographer and spirit speaker César Augusto Félix Crispiniano, known in the spirit midst as César Crispim. César has been spirit since 1993 and develops activities at the spirit houses in states of Piauí and Maranhão. He talks about the book Confessions of wisdom and love which he psychographed authored by Marie Sophie (spiritual author).

“Chico Xavier legacy” written by the confrere Paulo Sergio de Oliveira is the Especial brought to this edition. The article was divided in two parts. The writer focus on the longing medium as a man and medium this number. Its conclusion will be published next edition.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado





O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita