
por Angélica Alves de Araujo

There will always be new situations to encourage our spiritual development

The thought above is from our fellow Spiritist, César Augusto Félix Crispiano, also known in the Brazilian Spiritist Movement as César Crispim (photo). He was born in 1971 in the north-eastern Brazilian state of Piauí, and became a Spiritist in 1993. He has degrees in Business Management and English Literature and post-graduation degree in Marketing. In the following interview, he speaks about his work as a public speaker and medium in the Spiritist Movement in the states of Piauí and Maranhão and especially the book he wrote through automatic writing, or psychography: Confissões de Sabedoria e Amor (Confessions of Wisdom and Love), dictated by the Spirit, Marie Sophie.

What was your main motivation to write this book?

To disclose the stories of characters who have remained anonymous for humankind but played an important role in the best through their good deeds. To show their relations with other human beings who brought to Earth new concepts and set an example in their lives. These examples were essential for the spiritual development of the planet.

The novel depicts the story of four characters, united by reincarnation. Can we say that what we are now is an amalgamation of the different personalities we had in previous lives?

We are now the result of all that. Like a river, of which we see only part of in the area where we bathe every day. The rest of the river, which is unknown to us, represents what we have already lived. We don’t know it but it is part of us. We can’t separate the different parts. We can’t even leave something in the past of disconnect our future from where we are now. We are part of and travel along the water, which will one day meet the ocean, where everyone will meet.

What do you say to those who argue that the idea of reincarnation disencourages us to make the changes we need here and now, as we will always have another opportunity?

The novel shows us how much we can enjoy by making the most of the moments we live and reminds us that the same opportunities don’t come back again. No one bathes in the same river twice, because, even standing in the same spot, the water won’t be the same and that person will also have changed. Transformation and progress don’t happen at every new incarnation. They happen at every second, in the same incarnation. We shouldn’t think that we don’t need to make an effort in this life, imagining that we will have other incarnations. Each opportunity is like sowing the seeds. The harvest will take place in the future and the future will depend of the efforts we make today.

If we can’t remember other lives, what then do we bring from previous existences to the current incarnation?

There aren’t other lives. There is only one life, which is the eternal life. The Spirit follows a particular pathway during his process of evolution. To achieve its highest degree of evolution, it will need to be in different places to look for new experiences. The Spirit is brave and records in his astral memory, the perispirit, what is important from all these existences. Nothing is discarded. Reincarnation is often seen from the perspective of paying for previous mistakes we have made. But the divine proposal goes well beyond that. It is also an opportunity to learn, to exchange information and experiences and to build collectively through the centuries. God is all those opportunities to be better people, to progress… that is truly divine.

What message did the Spirit of Marie Sophie tried to convey with this book?

She would like to say to humankind that wars do exist, but opportunities to love also do. That life is eternal. That there will always be new situations to encourage our spiritual development. That it is possible for all the different worlds, from a spiritual development perspective, to meet. That we for the universal family of God and that there is a solution for everything, provided we persevere on the side of the good and work hard to build positive situations around us.

During the mediunimic work of writing the book, did you have contact with the characters and the settings of the story? Did anything in particular draw your attention as you worked on the novel?

The scenes come one after the other on my mind like on a cinema screen. The characters moved and little by little I became the master of the story, I was able to describe it. Marie was next to me all the time, especially to draw my attention to the meaning of each particular message and how I could apply that to my daily life, for my spiritual development. I hope that those who read the book also have the same experience.

What is your final message for our readers?

God is in every opportunity we have to grow spiritually, to become better people. Each act of love, each word of encouragement and each moment we stop to listen is a form of contact we have with the god we have, a god with small “d”. But always a god that tries to improve, that worries about those around us and goes forward. So let’s never miss an opportunity to read a good book or article or of acquiring more knowledge and more love. Let’s live life like we were at that unique moment when the river meets the ocean, as this river that we represent will get there, to be so big and to be able to love everyone that live on the land, the seven billion inhabitants of Planet Earth.




Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita