
por Orson Peter Carrara

The true purpose of Spiritism is not to deal with death, but with life

José Eduardo Peres (photo), our interviewee, became a Spiritist five years ago but has not wasted any time and is now an active member of the Spiritist Movement. He was born in Dois Córregos and lives in Bauru, both cities in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, where he works as a Biology teacher. He is a volunteer worker at the Amor e Caridade (Love and Charity) Spiritist Centre in Bauru and takes part in several activities, including giving talks and lectures.

How did you start your experience as a Spiritist speaker?

I followed the Catholic religion until I was 24 years old. Once I was in a family gathering when a friend said that he was attending activities at a Spiritist Centre and thought it was very good. When I heard that, I said I was interested in attending a meeting. I went to my first public talk at the age of 29. It was very moving. I was attracted initially by the mediunimic phenomena. But eventually my curiosity and euphoria gave way to what really matters, which is our inner reform.

What have you learned from this experience?

Giving Spiritist talks and lectures has allowed me to learn a great deal about the crucial matters of life. The more I study to prepare for the talks, the more I learn about practical matters. Many wounds have been healed, a lot of anger has been defused and I have found a bit of the peace that the Christ announced. In other words, I have benefitted so much from it that I felt the urge to share what I have learned from the Teachings with other people.

How do you feel the public reacts during the talks?

I have noticed the deep involvement of many people with the issues discussed. They show their emotions, they cheer and they identify mainly with the real life stories that I mention in the talks with the aim of helping people understand the principles and lessons. Every now and again I receive messages from people who have attended talks, sharing their thoughts, and I get very happy about that.

What criteria do you use to choose the themes discussed in each talk?

That varies a lot. Normally the Spiritist Centre I am linked to chooses the themes. When I am allowed to choose, I ask for inspiration during my prayers and plead that the Spiritual Benefactors guide me. Although I like to explain the theoretical aspects of Spiritism, I strive to focus on the practical matters of the Spiritist message. I pay special attention to how these messages can be put into practice on our daily lives.

And how do you go about your research?

The basis of my talks are the works of Kardec, especially the Spirits’ Book and the Mediums’ Book. I often consult our dear Emmanuel and his Fonte Viva collection of books. And I spend days, or weeks, watching the recorded talks of other more experience and knowledgeable Spiritist speakers. I would like to mention here Artur Valadares, who has been a great, positive influence with his knowledge, wisdom and simplicity.

What do you think is the most special memory from your years in the Spiritist Movement?

Talvez o ponto mais marcante tenha sido a época que eu frequentava o Coem (Curso de Orientação e Educação Mediúnica), quando começamos as reuniões de desenvolvimento mediúnico em que me dei conta de que o verdadeiro propósito do Espiritismo não era lidar com a morte, mas sim com a vida e com a evolução para a felicidade. Lembro que foi um período de intensas reflexões, perdi as contas de quantas vezes me vi emocionado enquanto pensava nisso.

Perhaps it was when I was attending the COEM Mediumship course and realised that the true purpose of Spiritism was not to deal with death, but with life and with the development towards happiness. I remember that as a period of deep reflections. And I lost count of how many times my emotions got the better of me at that time.

What about your current activities in the Spiritist Movement? What draws your attention in particular?

The routine of the work we do, including mediunimic meetings, talks, lectures, healing and courses. All that give me great satisfaction. All that work has given my life a new identity. I feel lighter and more in peace with all that, including my relationships with other people, which have improved a great deal.

What is in your opinion the most remarkable aspect of Spiritism?

The contact with a new type of faith, reasoned faith, which has allowed me to understand and accept life. I was touched especially by the rational aspect that invites in science, uniting faith and rationality.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Spiritism plays indeed an important comforting role. I observe my posture towards life before and after Spiritism and it becomes clear how much good this new approach has had in my life. It has rekindled hopes, explained injustices and increased my confidence in God. And all that within a context of reasoned faith. I am extremely grateful for having had contact with these Teachings.

I must thank the team of this wonderful magazine for giving me the opportunity to have a say here. May God bless you all, brothers and sisters on the same journey. May we have the strength to walk forward, always. So be it!




Leonardo Rocha -



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita