Pain's job is to expand horizons
The sentence above is from
Jorge Hessen, member of the
Editorial Board of our
magazine, author of the
Especial of this edition.
The writer affirms that
God´s laws goal is the
Spirit perfection.
Therefore, the karmic
committals, collective or
individual expiations that
we face, let´s remember the
purpose of them, assuring
that every day we are going
to the mark which has been
pointed out.
This week interviewee is the
confrere Donizete Alencar de
Carvalho from Guaxupé (MG),
coordinator of the 10o Chico
Xavier Annual Meeting, event
idealized by Ismael Batista
da Silva, whose
disincarnation occurred last
year. The traditional
meeting is happing next July
but the enrolment can
already be done. He explains
it in the interview.
“A Spirit House at the
service of good” is the
title of the especial report
written by our collaborator
Marcel Bataglia Gonçalves
which he focuses on the
Spirit Centre Peace of Lord
activities (CEPS), situated
in the flourishing city of
Joinville, in Santa Catarina