A great success of public and content the
Almost two Thousand people
were in Teresina, capital of
Piauí, in the MEDNESP 2019.
It happened between 19 to 22
June. The central theme of
the congress was The
evolution of spirituality on
health care – broaden
concepts and overcome
paradigms. There were
341 lectures at total given
by 146 different speakers.
Giovana Campos tells u show
it was in an especial
This week interviewee is the
confrere Fernando de Souza
Santos from Itararé (SP),
author of the book Unforgettable
Nights which describes
conversations of the calls
made to Spirits in
mediumship meetings. He is a
speaker and the head of the
mediumship group, he is the
current president of the USE
Itararé and also the
vice-president of the
Regional USE of Sorocaba
This week Especial, Thiago
Bernardes analyses the
reincarnation proves, that
according to him, it is
based essentially on three
orders of phenomena: memory
regression, mediumship
saying and the innate ideas
which includes many cases of
prodigy children that are
inexplicable if it is
excluded the plurality of