Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Forgiveness

The merciful creditor

Long time ago, in a small town, a man named Jonas was in a hurry along the street. He was worried, thinking about how to get money. He owed a thousand coins to the king.

Suddenly, Jonas spotted Lino, a familiar person who owed him ten coins. Jonas had lent it to him when his business was still going well. Lino, however, always with many financial needs, wasn’t able to repay the debt, although he wanted to do so.

Jonas had never care, but now he really needed it. So, he ran to meet Lino, asking about the money. But Lino could not afford it.

- Have mercy, Jonas - he said. - Be patient with me, I am poor and sick. I'll pay you everything I owe. I'll have your money by the end of the day - Lino promised.

Jonah was sorry and let him go. However, a few hours after this occurred, Jonah was seeking by the king's servants and was taken to his presence.

The king then charged the debt. The deadline for payment had run out and he wanted back the thousand coins.

- Have mercy, sir! I’ve had many losses! I do not have the money yet, but I will pay you everything I owe if you give me more time - Jonas asked.

The king, however, did not accept the proposal. He ordered his servants to leave Jonas in jail until his family sold his belongings and gave him the thousand coins he owed him.

Jonas was a good and honest man. He had never thought that could happen to him. He cried sadly, but he had to accept it.

The king's servants, holding him by the arms, led him down from the street to jail.

On the way, Lino, who was trying to get extra service to earn the ten coins, spotted Jonas and asked those who took him:

- What happened? This man is very good. Why do they treat you like a criminal?

Jonas himself answered:

- Lino, my friend, I owe the king plenty of money. That's why I charged you the ten coins today when we met. I'm being arrested because of my debt. But I want you to live your life in peace. Forget the coins you owe me, you do not have to pay me anymore.

Lino thanked him for his kindness, and Jonas was arrested according to the king's orders.

The next day, however, Jonas had a great surprise. The servants went to pick him up. He was brought back into the presence of the king, who said:

- Jonas, my servants told me what happened yesterday in the street when they took you to prison. If you were able to forgive the debt of someone who owed you, you also deserve to have your debt forgiven. You do not owe me anything from now on. You are free! Go back to your family and live your life in peace.

Jonas fell to his knees. Among tears, he thanked the king who forgave him.

Leaving the castle on the street, Jonas looked up at the sky and also thanked God. His Law of Justice is accurate and never fails.


Text inspired by the Parable of the Merciless Creditor.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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