Yeda Hungria tells us about her
familiarity to Chico Xavier
Chico Xavier, the true
pattern of the “Good Man”,
according to Yeda Peres
Hungria, is the main theme
of the interview given from
the known spirit leader, who
participates actively at the
Spirit Core Chico Xavier, in
Niterói. She was born in
Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ)
and has been spirit since
1960, our interviewee says
about some of her memories
of familiarity to the known
and missed medium. The
report written by Orson
Peter Carrara is one of the
spots of this issue.
“Venezuelans in crisis –
what can we do for them?” is
the title and the theme of
the Especial written
together by the confreres
Ioná Rosilane Valéria do
Nascimento, Gláucio Marcus
do Nascimento Guerra and
Juracy de Abreu e Silva,
spirit writers and speakers
who live in Brasília (DF).
The article, that examines
one of most important
happenings of the present
which is the refugee matter,
who come from Venezuela, is
one of the highlights of the
current edition.
Marcel Bataglia Gonçalves,
in an especial report, focus
on the history, the growth
and the activities of the
Spirit Centre Bezerra de
Menezes, traditional Spirit
House founded more than 40
years ago – on December 11,
1978 – in Balneário de
Camboriú, beautiful city in
Santa Catarina State. The
report is also a spot this