This article aims to highlight how much the human being clashes in understanding the conceptualization of the principles and postulates of a doctrine, philosophy or science.
This difference of thoughts, which gives rise to a series of different feelings, constitutes a diversity of levels of moral and intellectual advancement of the human beings enrolled in this world of atonement and tests.
This work was inspired by the reading of the text “The Revolution against Science”, written by the columnist Rodrigo Constantine, from the magazine IstoE, issue no. 2538, dated August 15, 2018.
In fact, the distinguished columnist evidently devoted to his social task of informing and forming opinions in society, is concerned about the pain of every thinker integrated with his surroundings, as he detects the great stir that surrounds the understanding of what is a science, what is its scope and purpose and especially considering the various contexts and ways in which it is described and experienced.
It is in this context that - as a result of analysis and perceptions solely from the material point of view, and at first glance seemingly troubled - our brother columnist externalizes his feelings in the expression “can only be understood as a revolt against science”, which, in our view, shows absence of spiritual understanding.
Aware that the Spiritist Doctrine explains such falters of understanding, that is why, asking for the Peace of Christ, we begin our explanation.
The traditional slogan "There are Sciences and Sciences" indicating a certain irony to accommodate points of view that confront with our thoughts and other different points of view, can be present in this and in other different moments of doctrinal reflections. By the way, let us emphasize that if in the area of human knowledge there is physical Science dealing with earthly laws, on the other hand there is also spiritual Science, governed by spiritual laws, to deal with the things of the Spirit and of God.
Of course, we must not forget that both spiritual science and earthly science have their origin in the Laws of God. Therefore, all the fundamental principles and the postulates, grounded in the divine laws, are the source and origin of the knowledge of Humanity, making it clear that God, our Great Father, is the Creator of good and all the law of good, although most scientists still attribute the process of evolution solely to their own cognition and creativity, forgetting that their very existence is the result of a larger law and that it itself would not exist or stand alone.
In fact, it is in this sense that the Spiritist Doctrine presents to Humanity the theory “Creationist - Evolutionist”, as Zoe Mary Saraiva Paim states in the book “EVOLUTION” - From the Atom to the Archangel - publisher FERGS, which expresses itself already from the first question of The Book of Spirits, clarifying that “God is the primary cause of all things” and that, in the form of question 779 of this same work, He submits everything and everyone to the Law of Progress.
The Encoder of Spiritism, Allan Kardec, clearly highlights in the book The Gospel According to Spiritism” the question of the need for the existence of an alliance between Science and Religion, pointed as the main levers to move the progress of Humanity, under penalty of the standing still of both intellectual and moral, to the detriment of the evolutionary process of mankind, if they wish to walk separated from each other, for if religion is governed by the laws and properties of the spiritual sciences, earthly science, in turn, is governed by the physical laws and properties.
Finally, we highlight these details in order to emphasize that both spiritual and physical orders of ideas originate in Divinity, which in the beginning created the spiritual principle and the material principle, to meet the desires of evolution in regarding the measure of moral and spiritual conquest of man and Spirit, thus approving the threefold aspect - Science, Philosophy and Religion - adopted by the Spiritist Doctrine.
Emphasizing the question of the need for the integration between the various branches of knowledge of man - both spiritual and physical, since both of them, due to having the same origin, only advance together - let us mention, the book The Genesis, The Miracles and the Predictions according to Spiritism, by Allan Kardec, where in Chapter X - The Organic Genesis and Chapter XI - The Spiritual Genesis, present the study and development, respectively, of the material principle and the spiritual principle, reinforcing that this study is not optional or at our will, but clarifying rather that the study of the two mentioned Chapters is, indeed, compulsory, since both spirit and matter are constantly evolving, and improve in proportion to the efforts invested in both enlightening research and study, as well as in the actions of the good, especially for the neighbor, providing better thoughts and feelings and better environments in the new dwellings of the Father's house.
We speak about the need of the full integration between these two orders of knowledge, the spiritual and the material, capable of generating and accessing the evolutionary chain, so that the doctrinal principles and postulates, as well as the spiritual and material sciences themselves, in practice intertwine, complement each other, and develop and justify themselves, becoming visible in the great law of solidarity, which in turn integrates and brings closer and closer together the universes, galaxies, planets, peoples, and men, as well as their sciences, as instruments of evolution, in the varying degrees of progress in which they find themselves.
Until we do not reach the understanding of this interrelationship of the higher law governing, simultaneously and naturally, the spiritual and material worlds, in a very high moral and intellectual improvement, and in the development of the spiritual and material sciences, we will only grope like that bird that has only one wing and crashes to the ground every time it tries to take off. With one wing he will not fly.
Therefore, while the Enlightenment period played an important role in the improvement of the physical sciences, with the consequent cultural level rising, with the improvement of the intellect, providing better understanding, and generating more qualities and quantities of consumer goods, of entertainment and art, culture and well-being. On the other hand, we must not forget that the fragility of poor morality was the reason why Divine Providence kept the Promised Comforter held back, waiting for the right time, to decline the third revelation with the new truths of the new age.
The integration of spirit / matter in the right proportion, so that it does not generate neither religious fanaticism nor scientism, inasmuch as it does not go to extremes, provides the necessary balance for the study, understanding and application of science, regardless of which area of human knowledge we wish to examine and prove to place it at the service of the good. What is essential is that we make ourselves available to research as devoted instruments at the service of love and good, for the evolution of all.
The New Age - indicating that the new times have arrived - has opened our eyes, our minds and our hearts, no longer accepting the comfort zone adaptation. Before we cross our arms in idle contemplation, or refute other principles without thorough analysis, let us check, examine, and finally conclude.
Much of the human problem stems from the discouragement and laziness that lead to apathy and abandonment of study, research, and even care jobs.
If we are not yet able to imitate the greater Master, who by His humility became the Model and Guide for Humanity, let us at least try to put into practice the example of Kardec, who, devotedly, in elaborating from the Codification of the Spiritist Doctrine, checked everything, examined and proved, becoming among men a watershed also in the field of science and religion.
This article was included in the contest “The Doctrine Explains”, held in 2018, promoted in the class of the Spiritist Speakers Course of the Federal District, in the Spiritist Federation of the Federal District (FEDF). The author is a Spiritist speaker in Brasilia (DF).