Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Kindness

The shoe’s pair

Once, at a train station, two boys meet each other.

One of them was Ronaldo, who worked at this station every day, greasing expensive and pretty shoes of travelers. Despite knowing all about shoes, he had none. He wore only old slippers, which, besides being worn, were already getting smaller than his feet.

He used to look down, looking for shoes to shine, Ronaldo noticed the beautiful and already shined Henry's shoes approaching. Their eyes followed them all the way that those shiny black shoes, passing right in front of him and then getting distance on the way to the train platform.

They were nice brand shoes, which besides being beautiful should also be comfortable. Ronaldo could not even dream of buying them. All the money he got he used to give to his mother at the end of the day so she could buy food for the very poor family.

Henry and his mother were holding hands. They were in a hurry, because the train would leave. The platform was full of people. As soon as the train door opened for passengers to get on, they all wanted to enter at the same time, pushing for the best seats.

Ronaldo had followed Henry, still enchanted with his shoes, and watched from a distance the boarding scene. In the confusion that had formed, he could barely see the boy for a moment.

Once everyone entered, the train began to move. However, to Ronaldo's surprise, he saw Henry holding the train's open door, shouting and gesturing in distress.

At the time of boarding, pushed by people and pulled by his mother, Henry couldn't keep one of his shoes from falling off his feet and falling to the platform floor.

Ronaldo, realized what happened, he ran, took his shoe and ran, following the train, reaching out his arm, trying to give it to Henry.

Henry, the advance of the range, stretched as much as possible, but in vain.

The train speeded up, moved farther and farther away. Ronaldo, still struggling but realizing he couldn't, threw the shoe toward the train door in the last attempt to return it to its owner.

The shoe, however, hit the side of the train and fell to the platform floor.

It was then that Henry, touched by the efforts of the poor and unknown boy, to help him, he took his foot off the shoe he was still wearing and threw it to Ronaldo. So at least one of them could use them.

Ronaldo could hardly believe it. He smiled and waved to Henry in thanks.

Henry did the same. He was also happy to be able to thank and help Ronaldo.

And that's how the kindness of two boys made this a very special day.


Text inspired by the short film “The Other Pair”.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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