afflictions in a Spiritist
Our interviewee today is
Deusa Maria Samu, from
Piaui, who lives in the city
of Sao Paulo, the state
capital. Clinical and
hospital psychologist
postgraduate in Thanatology,
she has been a Spiritist
since 1990. She is a
volunteer at the institution
Seara Bendita, and is an
exhibitor and coordinator of
the Parents Meeting of the
Childhood and Youth Areas.
As a very much requested
speaker, she has focused in
talking about mourning to
comfort families. This and
other questions pertaining
to human afflictions are the
subject of her interview.
What is the purpose of a
Spiritist House? This is the
title of the Special Article
written by our collaborator
Rogerio Miguez, from Sao
Jose dos Campos (SP).
According to him, one of the
most relevant challenges
that we Spiritists face
today is to maintain the
basic units of the movement,
that is, the Spiritist
Houses, aligned with the
postulates and practices
presented in the truly
Spiritist literature.
The Spiritist calendar
records in November the date
of Eurípedes Barsanulfo's
disembodiment, which
occurred on November 1st,
1918. Referring to the
event, Thiago Bernardes
gives us, in a Special
Article, some biographical
notes about the great
Spiritist educator and about
two striking previous lives
of Eurípedes in our world.