Peace in us
will help build peace in the
The thought hold in the
sentence above has been
expressed more than once by
the known and dear speaker
Divaldo Franco, who
coordinated in Salvador (BA)
last month the 22ª edition
of the Movement You and the
Peace created by him in the
of 1998. From there to now
the Movement in behalf of
peace and not violence has
reached 74 cities in Brazil
and other 10 countries. Many
representatives from
different religions
participate in it, besides a
numerous pubic, a fact that
could be seen in Salvador.
It is shown in an especial
report by our collaborator
Paulo Salerno.
Our interviewee is
Elisangela Dias de Toledo,
from Londrina (PR), a
teacher of Especial
Education at a public school
of Paraná and active person
of the spirit movement in
our state. In the interview,
which was given to our
collaborator Lívia Prada
Seneda, she talks about her
work in the important sector
of child evangelization,
theme that she masterizes.
The interview is one of the
highlights of the edition.
“Pestalozzi, Kardec and the
humanitarian thought”, is
the title and the theme os
the especial written by
Cláudio Bueno da Silva. In
the article the author says
that the genius and the
greatness of Allan Kardec
were fundamental to succeed
in the work of Spiritism
codification. A fact that
was favourable to his human
and cultural formation,
furthermore Pestalozzi´s
influence and friendship
with the notable educator
had a certain important