
por Orson Peter Carrara

Good deeds must be shared with other people, always!

The thought above is by Elaine Alves (photo), our interviewee today. She was born in Cerqueira Cesar and lives in Avaré – both cities in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. She is a social worker and a volunteer member of two Spiritist groups in Avaré. She is also a Spiritist speaker. In this interview, she shares her views and experiences of the past 26 years in the Spiritist Movement.

What are the links between the principles of Spiritism and your profession as a social worker?

Spiritism leads to important changes in our core and values. As we are still imperfect Spirits, we end up realising that we need to change our habits and attitudes. We get to understand the importance of having empathy towards other people and respecting their beliefs and values. That makes us stronger in order to carry on fighting to defend the basic social rights of the people, especially in Brazil, where a huge part of the population is so vulnerable and lack the basic infrastructure and services.

How does that influence your professional life?

It has a huge impact! My professional life is marked by extremes of pain and loss. The Brazilian people are increasingly having to stretch to the limit in order to be able to survive. I often need to contact the local authorities and explain to them what the main needs and demands of the population are. I am very often faced with the impossible and when I realise that there’s nothing else to do to prevent truly tragic situations, only the Gospel and the principles of Spiritism offer consolation and enable me to carry on.

The city of Avaré has two important Spiritist Groups that focus their work on children. Tell us more about that.

Avaré has, indeed, great volunteer organisations that offer great public services to the city’s children. Two of them are Spiritist Groups: Associação Espírito O Bom Samaritano (The Good Samaritan), which offers courses and assistance for teenagers, young people and the elderly; and Colônia Espírita Fraternidade (Fraternity), which attends 200 children and teenagers with a number of activities, including nutritional guidance, sports, theatre and dance, putting into practice the core values of Spiritism.

What is your assessment of the Spiritism Movement now?

Spiritism has inspired many people in their awakening for a connection with the Spiritual World, the Holy World. I have noticed that many friends from different religions have begun asking more questions about Spiritism. They want to understand more. Perhaps this is evidence that, as the great medium Chico Xavier said, the principles of Spiritism will one day be accepted and integrated by all religions…

Being part of the Spiritism Movement is pure joy! It’s like we were in a family reunion, the same Spirits who met in the Spirit World and agreed to work together here, in the material world gather again. At every new meeting, lecture or event we attend, our mutual understanding improves and we learn more with each other. We realise more and more that we need to respect one another.

What is your strongest impression from all these years in the Spiritist Movement?

It’s understanding the importance and necessity of remain united. Because, yes, I have been in difficult situations, where people were fought each other within the Spiritist Movement, when resentment and lower feelings prevailed… Only later, when I got older and more mature, I would understand properly the huge importance of working together in. I’ve come to realise then that there was no place for “I” or “me” in this field of work. It’s all about “us”. We need to be the ones who get people working together, not that person who crates divisions and splits up the group.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

The Spiritist Movement needs our joy, enthusiasm and energy! We cannot remain restricted to the routine of our regular activities inside our Spiritist Groups. We need to visit one another, take part in regional meetings, make friends and celebrate life! The Spiritist Teachings have given a meaning to our lives and that must be shared with everyone. Good deeds must be shared with other people, always!



Leonardo Rocha -



O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita