Chemical addiction, concept
and prevention in the light
of Spiritism
Chemical addition is one of
those matters considered
prohibited, that if it is
possible, avoid it. There
are many reasons for that;
since insecurity and
discomfort to talk about
such a delicate subject to
the indifference caused by
the thought that that
just happens to the
neighbour or to others and
that we and our family are
free from that. This is how
it is launched the Especial
“Chemical addiction”,
written by our collaborator
Paulo Oliveira, one of the
spots of this edition.
Another spot of this Sunday
is the interview given by
the physician Walter
Bonaparte Junior, where he
tells us how he came up with
the romance Souls:
Love and spiritual evolution
in Patagonia. He is
spirit since he was born in
Campinas (SP). He
participates in spirit midst
in the activities of the
Eurípedes Barsanulfo Spirit
House in Pindamonhangaba
(SP), where he lives,
It celebrates in spirit
midst the birth anniversary
of Francisco Peixoto Lins in
February. He is a famous
physical effect medium; he
is better known by the
Brazilian spirits by the
fond nickname Peixotinho. He
was born on February 1st,
1905 in Pacatuba (CE),
Peixotinho disincarnated in
Campos (RJ) on June 16th,
1966. Ana Moraes reports
about the medium in an
especial writing.