
por Máira Coelho Silva

The world needs to build bridges and not walls

Migration today frightens humanity as it threatens the economic stability and infrastructure of some countries. On the other hand, welcoming is not an easy task and many are not prepared for this humanitarian gesture.

We see that History has recorded migration for millennia. In the past, the purpose of migrating was to search for better conditions for survival, such as water and more favorable climates for production. Later, it was to live in peace or to occupy territories through power.

Nowadays we are still faced with news of men enslaved by other men, perhaps with different beliefs, different skin colors, unknown languages, but all creatures of God, who must be treated as such.

In the past decade, people in Africa have sought shelter in Europe and those in America in neighboring nations. International organizations have started to pay more attention to this problem, since some countries do not accept immigrants and others have become destabilized by receiving them. International treaties have been revised. The press started to deal with the subject on a daily basis.

Since the 2000s, Brazil has been distinguished with praise, for honoring its obligations to the relatively few political refugees it received and for its proposals for “solidary resettlement” of migrants from the countries of our continent, at the time essentially Colombians. Ten years later, we received Haitians and in recent years Venezuelans. Many are against our acceptance, others understand that we are citizens of the world, of a Universe created by God, without these territorial limits defined by men and that what we are experiencing was prophesied in the Scriptures.

We question whether Brazil will have the necessary maturity to avoid obstacles and provide adequate solutions to complex problems, to take advantage of the negative experience of the European Union and to seek innovative actions, exemplary for the world, while concomitantly protecting its economic and security interests regarding the moral and legal obligations of welcoming our brothers and sisters in situations of great distress.

Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Brazil are the main countries to receive migrants from Venezuela.

Migrants are very vulnerable to human trafficking, professional exploitation, violence, sexual abuse, recruitment for illegal activities, discrimination and xenophobia.

Considering man an immortal Spirit, we can refer to The Book of Spirits, which informs us in its Chapter “Of the Law of Destruction” that the destructive scourges serve for faster regeneration and progress. Still in the study of Genesis, Chapter Emigration and Immigration of Spirits, we understand the purpose in the following excerpt: “It is clear that all the great calamities that decimate the populations are always followed by an era of progress in the physical, intellectual or moral order, and therefore in the social status of the nations where they take place”.

Aware that life here on Earth is an outline and mirror of our great trajectory as Spirits, we can understand that the migration of reincarnated Spirits is, therefore, necessary for the evolution and progress of the inhabitants of the worlds, as is the specific case of Earth.

Each migration cycle brings new possibilities for progress to the planet Earth and removes obstacles to the regeneration and evolution of the Spirits that inhabit it, contributing to collective learning.

We can then understand that, in addition to migration between worlds, we have migration on our own planet and in the regions in order to promote a constant evolution. Accepting this process helps us to be more welcoming and tolerant in dealing with this issue.

The work A Caminho da Luz (The Path to Light), in several passages, depicts migrations throughout the evolution of our planet. In the chapter on Spiritism and the great transitions we can observe this passage: "(…) Spiritism arrived (…) unconcerned from all revolutions, because only evolution is its field of activity and experience, far from all wars for understanding of the fraternal ties that bring the universal community together, teaches the legitimate fraternity of men and country, families and groups, broadening the concepts of economic justice and correcting the exalted spirit of extremist ideologies”.

At the conclusion of this work, Emmanuel says that his objective, when writing it, was to demonstrate the "sacred influence of Christ in the organization of all outbreaks of civilization on the planet, from its geological sculpture" and to reveal, once again, " the mystical ascendants that dominate the centers of human progress, in all its departments”.

Another work that contributes to our understanding of the role of our nation with our brothers is Brazil, Heart of the World, Fatherland of the Gospel, dictated by the Spirit of Humberto de Campos and a psychographics by Francisco Candido Xavier.

In the first pages, in a dialogue between Christ and Helil, Jesus exclaimed: "We will set up a work tent here for the humblest nation in Europe, glorifying their efforts in God's workshop. We will take advantage of the simple element of goodness, the fraternal heart of the inhabitants of these new lands, and, later, I will order the reincarnation of many Spirits already purified in the sense of humility and meekness, among the oppressed and suffering races of the African regions, to form the pedestal of solidarity of the fraternal people that will flourish here, in the future, in order to exalt my Gospel, in the glorious centuries to come. Here, Helil, under the merciful light of the stars of the cross, the heart of the world will be located!”

 “It was for this reason that Brazil, where all the peoples of the Earth today fraternize and where the immortal work of the Gospel of Christ will be modeled, long before the Treaty of Tordesillas, which sank the beacons of Spanish possessions, already brought, in its contours, the geographical shape of the heart of the world",

Later, in this work, we identified an important clarification by Ismael: "The Earth is the blessed school, where we apply all the high knowledge acquired in the Infinite. It is in this vast experimental field that we must learn the science of goodness and combine it with its divine practice. In the mists of flesh, all darkness will be dispelled by our own individual efforts; within them, our Spirit will be forgotten about its dark past, so that all our initiatives will be valued. We need to understand those soft provisions of the divine laws, so that the determinism of love and brotherhood constitute the law of the existence of all things and all beings”.

And the work concludes: “Only the legitimate Christian ideal, recognizing that the Kingdom of God is not yet of this world, can, with his hope and his example, spiritualize the human being, spreading with his labors and sacrifices the productive seeds in building the society of the future”.

We understand, therefore, that God's time is not measured with the chronometer of men. That we are in an evolutionary process, in transition to a world of regeneration and that we must honor the banner that Ismael posted in our country, in a luminous way: "God, Christ and Charity".

May God bless us so that we can wisely practice the example that he left us with our migrant and refugee brothers, remembering that our country was built with the strength of men who came from various corners of the world and that our citizens today migrate to other countries also looking for better opportunities.

KARDEC, Allan. Genesis. Translation by Evandro Noleto Bezerra. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: 2009.
XAVIER, Francisco Candido. Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel. by the Spirit Humberto de Campos. 33rd ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2008.
XAVIER, Francisco Candido. On the Way to the Light. Through the Spirit Emmanuel. 37th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2009

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita