“O sentido da reencarnação"
is the newest launching of
Last Thursday, 27th,
it was published by EVOC –
Virtual Publisher of The
Comforter the e-book O
sentido da reencarnação (The
meaning of reincarnation)
written by Ricardo Baesso de
Oliveira, from Juiz de For a
(MG). He is a rheumatologist
and integrates spirit midst
working in the team of IDE
(Institute of Spirit
Propagation of Juiz de Fora)
workers and a writer and a
member of the Editorial
Boarder of the magazine O
Consolador, furthermore,
he is a speaker who is very
liked in his state home. The
e-book can be read or
downloaded for free; here is
the link: Here
is the link
Adriana Dias Pereira, from
Orlândia (SP) is our
interviewee of the week. She
is graduated in Teaching
and Lato-sensu in
Translator and Interpreter.
She has great performance in
the spirit environment,
being the actual president
of the Master´s Harvest
Spirit Centre in her town.
She talks about how she
began in Spiritism and her
spirit activities in the
Suicide, a clamorous
illusion is
the title and the theme of
the Especial published in
this edition, authored by
Lineldo Landim de Lima and
Telda Pereira Costa Lima,
spirit speakers who live in
Distrito Federal. They
allude to the growing number
of suicide in Brazil and
many parts of the world,
fact that inspired to write
about it.
Paulo Salerno tells us how
the visit of Divaldo Franco
was in Cascavel (PR) on
February 16th,
where the known speaker did
a workshop “And the
love continues”. It was in
Sport Club Tuiuti. There
were more than a thousand
people signed for the event.
Its report is one of the
highlights of the current