Letter to the reader

Year 13 - 661 – March 15, 2020

Mediumship and its mechanisms in the light of Kardec´s coding

Graduated, with master's and PhD in Physics, Professor Alexandre Fontes da Fonseca, in the Special that illustrates this edition, offers us a meticulous study on the theme that led André Luiz to write, sixty years ago, through the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier and Waldo Vieira, the book Mechanisms of Mediumship. In the article, the author examines the mechanisms of spirit phenomenology based exclusively on the works of Allan Kardec, without taking into account what other authors have already written on the subject. The article is one of the highlights of this edition.

"Christ does not need soldiers to defend his home." Who says it is Silvia Fernandes Gouveia, president of the Spirit Centre Emanoel Ferreira, from Guará (SP), our interviewee of the today. Pedagogue and biologist graduated at college but a businesswoman by profession, she tells us in the interview about her initiation in Spiritism and the work developed in the city by the institution she chaired.

It ends this Sunday the 22nd State Spirit Conference, a traditional event promoted by the Spirit Federation of Paraná, which has as its central theme “Man, conscience and God”. Within the Conference schedule, Divaldo Franco spoke last Wednesday, 11th, at the Chico Neto Sports Gym, in Maringá (PR), as our collaborator Paulo Salerno tells us.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita