perispirit and the
controversies about it
This is the title of the
newest launch of EVOC –
Virtual Publisher The
Comforter, published on
Thursday, March 26th. In it,
author Paulo Neto, based on
the works of Codification
and countless other renowned
authors, sought to raise
elements with which two
relevant questions can be
answered: whether the
perispirit is the mould of
the physical body and
whether it has organs. The
e-book, as with EVOC works,
can be read or downloaded
for free. To do this,
Ivan Vieira de Paula,
creator of the program Universe
of good, is our
interviewee this week. He
has been spirit for 35
years, Ivan was born in
Itapetininga (SP), where he
lives. In 2009 he conceived
and started a program on TV
Itapê, called Universe of
good, a program without
religious ties that aims to
disseminate only positive
news, videos and optimistic
messages. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this issue.
Another highlight is the
final part of the article
“Mechanisms of Mediumship
according to Spiritism”, by
professor Alexandre Fontes
da Fonseca, in which the
author examines the
mechanisms of spirit
phenomenology based
exclusively on the works of
Allan Kardec, without taking
into account what other
authors have written about
it. The first two parts of
the article were published
in the March 15th and
22nd editions.
The final part of the XXII
State Spirit Conference was
held in Pinhais, a city
located in the metropolitan
region of Curitiba (PR),
which took place from March
13th to 15th.
Several speakers
participated in the
traditional event, which
also included the
participation of Divaldo
Franco, as shown our
collaborator Paulo Salerno,
in an exclusive article in
this edition.
Regarding the new
coronavirus, a matter that
has been occupying the news
all over the world, in
addition to the various
articles we published in
this edition, we call the
reader's attention to a
beautiful message that
Rolando Boldrin recorded.
Dictated by a spiritual
benefactor, the message is
entitled “In fifteen days”.
As the spiritual friend says,
the moment is one of hope,
the moment is one of change.
It is worth seeing and
listening to and then
sending it to those we love.
To access it, click