Letter to the reader

Year 14 - 664 – April 5, 2020

We only move forward when we feel unhappy and needy

The sentence above belongs to our interviewer Donizete Aparecido Pinheiro da Silveira, retired state judge. He was born in Vera Cruz (SP) and lives in Marília (SP). He is connected to the activities of the Spirit Group Jesus of Nazareth, where he lives. He is also speaker and author of many books. In the interview given, he talks about his book For a healthy life, whose theme are the virtues and their importance in our development process. The interview is one of the spots in the current edition.

Another spot is the especial Kids who kill their parents and the causes of sorrow, authored by Augusta Bengard Carvalho Feitosa and Márcia Helena Rocha Lima, spirit speakers settled in Distrito Federal. They focus on the article, according to Spiritism, the themes: past lives commitments, drugs use, selfishness, ambition, kids´ ingratitude, obsession, lack of love and as the text of the title says, cause of sorrow.

March 31st, 1869, 151 years ago, the codifier of the spirit doctrine returned to the spiritual home. He was born in October, 1804. How was Kardec? In which conditions happened his death? Ana Moraes examines the subject in an especial report which is also one of the highlights of this edition.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita