The experience of losing a
daughter during pregnancy
Who passed through this
experience is our
interviewee, Perla Cristina
Frangioti Machado, from
Araraquara (SP). She is
connected to the activities
of the Portal da Luz Spirit
Centre, in her city, and
graduated in Physical
Education, with a
postgraduate degree in
Physical Education at
UFSCar. She tells us in the
interview about the episode
of the death of her second
daughter that occurred at 9
months of pregnancy, the
consequences of this fact
and the benefits obtained
from it. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another highlight is the
special Sexual energy: a
spirit reflection,
authored by the doctor and
spirit speaker Ricardo
Baesso de Oliveira, from
Juiz de Fora (MG). Member of
the Editorial Board of our
magazine, he reminds us that
Allan Kardec understood that
sexual communion depends on
physical organization and,
therefore, in this aspect,
sexuality is an expression
of corporeality. In the
article he comments on the
important topic.
Author of several works on
the theme of ufology, Pedro
de Campos examines, in a
special article, the
interesting case of Elisa
Maria de Salles Santos, also
known as Satika (childhood
surname), former
seamstress of Pedro Leopoldo
(MG) that Chico Xavier had
told close friends he had
seen an OVNI and made
contact with the ship's
commander. The report is
also one of the highlights
of this issue.