Theme: Charity, happiness
Nuggets of Happiness
Giulia was participating in a solidarity campaign,
collecting food and clothes. She and other volunteers
agreed to meet at the Spirit Center they attended and
organize the donations received. They were going to hand
them over to needy families that afternoon.
Giulia wanted to take her son Guilherme to participate
in the activity with her. She believed he was able to
help a lot. But Guilherme did not want to go.

- Oh no, mom! Why do I have to go? There will already be
enough people there! It won't make a difference if I
don't go - argued the boy - Besides, I want to rest. The
weekend is for that!
Guilherme promised to fulfill several tasks if his
mother let him stay at home. Tidy up the room, bathe the
dog, turn off the computer... But it didn't help. Giulia
was determined to take him, and he had to get in the car
and go with her.
- I hope it doesn't take long! I don't want to be there
all afternoon - said Guilherme, annoyed.
- Gui, I know you don't want to go, son. But do you know
why I insisted that you participate? Do you know why it
is important for you to help carrying things and visit
families in need?
- I know! To help you do the boring job! - replied
Guilherme, sulkily.
- No son. It's because I don't want to win the gold
nuggets alone!
Guilherme didn't understand anything and looked at his
mother in surprise:
- What? What gold nuggets? What do you mean? Are they
going to distribute gold?
The mother laughed at the confusion that caused the boy:
- You don't know the story of the gold nuggets?
Guilherme nodded and Giulia then said:
“Once, a peasant was working, carrying a bag of wheat
grains that he sprinkled on the ground while walking. He
saw, in the distance, a sumptuous carriage, surrounded
by bright stars that was approaching quickly. The
carriage came very close to him and stopped. From it
came the one that the peasant identified as the Lord of
Life. He said nothing, just held out his hand for alms.
The peasant was confused and thought: ‘But how? What can
I offer to Him, who has everything and can everything,
while I am only a humble servant?’
Then, just to comply with the request of that wonderful
figure in front of him, he took a grain of wheat out of
his bag and placed it in the extended hand towards him.
The Lord of Life smiled, got into the carriage and left.
The peasant was about to get back to work when he
noticed a bright light coming from his bag. The grain of
wheat that he had offered to the Lord of Life had
returned to him in the form of a golden nugget.
- What a fool I was! Said the peasant. - I should have
given the whole bag!”
Giulia paused and Guilherme realized that the story was
- Oh, I understood. Said the boy, disappointed. - They
won't give you real gold nuggets, will they?
- You're right! The story makes a comparison. God is not
a person, nor does He ride in chariots. But it is true
that He asks for our contribution. The golden nuggets of
the story serve to show how valuable God's reward is. In
fact, He reciprocates with something much better than
gold, which cannot be lost or stolen: happiness!
Giulia continued:
- Helping people in need is a way to fulfill God's
request. We achieve happiness when we promote it in
others. But each one has to win his own.
Guilherme heard his mother's words well and understood
her intentions. When they arrived at the Spirit Center,
he was resigned and devoted himself to the tasks as best
he could.
That day, Guilherme helped. And on other occasions too,
because whenever there was an opportunity, Giulia took
her son to accompany her in the tasks of good.
He started to get used to those activities. He started
doing them with pleasure, receiving the sympathy of the
other workers. He witnessed the look of gratitude of
those who were helped. He was delighted with the company
of the other young people, who remained his friends and
also dedicated themselves to good causes like him.
Guilherme, little by little, realized that the nuggets
of happiness were really real.
Larissa Martine -
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