Bertoldo da Silva speaks to
the magazine
Our interviewee is from
Canoas-RS; her name is
Helena Bertoldo da Silva.
She is graduated in
Teaching, specialized in
education, subjectivity and
youth culture. Her parents
are spirit and she is
well-known in spirit midst
because of her work at
Spirit Federation of Rio
Grande do Sul, where she was
director of two important
departments: Doctrinal
Department and Family
Business Department. The
interview is one of the
highlights of the current
In the especial Following
Jesus, Maria de Lurdes
Duarte, writer of this
magazine, who lives in
Alvarenga, Arouca, Portugal,
examines with rare ground
Jesus´s calling expressed in
the famous sentence “Come
and follow me”. At the end
of the article, she asks us
if we are prepared to follow
the Master and concludes
saying: “Jesus waits for us.
‘Come and follow me ´ is
still His words”. The
article is one of the spots
of the magazine.
“Health challenges in a
changing world”, this is the
general theme of the XIII
Conference of the
Association of the state of
Espirito Santo, which will
be held in virtual mode from
September 18th to the 20th,
with the participation of 10
renowned speakers and topics
such as autism, consumerism,
drugs and environment. The
physician Jose Roberto
Pereira Santos, president of
the AME-ES and the journey's
promoter, tells us how the
event will be.