
por Anselmo Ferreira Vasconcelos

Other challenges for Humanity

“But there is nothing covered up that will not be discovered; nor hidden, that it will not be known.” (Luke 12:2)

There is an issue involving our world. Its importance can no longer be overlooked. I refer to the constant visits that we have received from beings from other worlds from ancient times. The human journey, in fact, is full of stories and signs of the unequivocal alien presence on Earth. Many cultural traditions, biblical episodes, rock paintings produced by ancient peoples, crop circles and countless reports, demonstrate that, individuals with complexion and physical appearance very different from ours, were - and still are - among us, apparently following the evolution of Humanity on the plane material. As if that weren't enough, these beings left their mark on our planet through superb megalithic structures - some of which, even today, we would not be able to erect - and unusual artifacts. [1]

At this point in the human trajectory, in the middle of the third millennium of the Christian era, the evidence reinforcing the thesis - so special to Spiritism - concerning the plurality of inhabited worlds, sounds like something logical and rational. Confirming this perception, Allan Kardec left us with an enlightening comment about it:

“[...] Let us know that, just as we are placed in the midst of an infinity of worlds, we are also in the midst of a double infinity of durations, before and after; that universal creation is not restricted to us, that it is not lawful for us to apply this expression to the isolated formation of our tiny globe”. [2]

Kardec also noted that:

“[...] In other worlds, shapes appear in other ways, reveal other unknown characters on Earth and, in the immense breadth of the heavens, forces in an indefinite number have developed on an unimaginable scale, whose magnitude we are so incapable of evaluating, as is the crustacean, at the bottom of the ocean, to apprehend the universality of terrestrial phenomena”. [3]

Finally, and with absolute accuracy, the Spiritism Encoder added:

“60. Accustomed, as we are, to judge things by our insignificant and poor housing, we imagine that nature cannot or did not have to act on other worlds, except according to the rules we know on earth. Now, it is precisely at this point that we need to change our way of seeing”. [4]

We are definitely not alone in the Universe. The assumption of some sectors of science, which advocate the belief that intelligent life belongs exclusively to our race, no longer makes any sense. In this sense, we must remember that, since the middle of the Second World War, we have had enough material to reformulate our thoughts and vision on such a delicate subject. More specifically, the appearance of so-called foo fighters in the skies of Europe, in the midst of aerial battles, caused enormous perplexity. At one point, both sides came to think that the enemy was responsible for that. However, those flying bolts that moved with extreme agility and resourcefulness, were there as attentive observers of human insanity.

Since then, the appearance of these unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has become frequent - as indicated by the records. As a result, the UFO casuistry has grown amazingly - apparently in line with a very well-designed plan for manifesting the phenomenon. Proof of this understanding, in fact, are the continuous reports of sightings, as well as immediate contacts, which have occurred in all quarters of the planet, in addition to the abundant number of videos available with impressive images. Two of them, by the way, were recently released and confirm the well-known popular adage that states that there are images that are worth millions of words, in which American navy pilots make eye contact with “unidentified aerial phenomena” (euphemism used by the US armed forces to designate a UFO).

The audios contained in these spectacular footage clearly identify the pilots' admiration for the unusual images [5]. In one of them, the UFO makes certain unusual movements when compared to our limited aircraft, as if to say: "film properly so there is no doubt about what we are capable of" [6]. Thus, it should be noted that, for the first time in history, the disclosure of UFO material by the United States Navy took place.

Given the unprecedented nature of the measure, it should also be noted that that nation has always been fervently committed to implementing a systematic and well-designed cover-up policy in relation to everything that involves UFOs. To illustrate, it is worth remembering the famous case of the fall of a UFO - there are reports of many others in UFO literature - in 1947, in the town of Roswell, in the state of New Mexico of that country. [7] However, faithful to the policy of disinformation, the American military authorities resorted to all possible means and devices - some even childish - in order to cool the journalistic curiosity about the fact. However, the explanations never convinced the scholars of the subject and, as usually happens in these circumstances, something always leaks...

But regardless of the aforementioned facts, the overriding issue is that there is no reliable indication that these objects are of human origin. After all, they present a mode of operation and displacement whose feats (technologies) are absolutely superior to ours, at least for now. There are, however, ufologists, who argue that the crashed UFOs, whose wreckage has been recovered by the governments of the world, allowed the development and advancement in several areas of knowledge - including aviation - through the so-called reverse engineering. Such an argument is well founded, although there is still no clear evidence on the matter.

What can be said for sure is that we are not the only intelligent beings of divine creation. And this conclusion is aligned, as I highlighted, with the revelation of the Spirits to Kardec. Furthermore, it finds full support in the Gospel, namely: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many mansions” (John, 14: 1-2.)

Therefore, the Earth is definitely not the only inhabited abode of the heavenly Father. UFOs are sophisticated artifacts and originated from races technologically much more advanced than ours. In other words, they belong to beings from other worlds capable of accomplishing things that we are not yet able to do. Furthermore, they have been monitoring humanity probably since long before the homo sapiens flourished.

When modern man decided to unveil the immensity of the Universe through space missions, notably Russian and American ones, they were there to accompany our shy spaceships. There are even records of the pilots' recordings and exceptional photos, which even NASA, a co-participant in this nefarious policy to which I referred, was unable to destroy, as revealed by certain works. [8]

On the other hand, the contact of human beings with aliens - an experience that is not always pleasant or friendly, by the way - has already enabled the elaboration of a rich classification about their appearances. By the way, in the meticulous work carried out by the researcher Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, almost 10,000 cases were analyzed, which led him to conclude that they belong to 14 types and 70 corresponding variants. [9] In general, humanoid forms predominate, however considering the peculiarities found.

The overwhelming majority of these visitors increasingly opened their presence in our world, given, as I stated above, the considerable number of sightings. In addition, some of these alien entities have subjected us to painful and traumatic abduction processes, leaving us with sequels for the rest of our lives. Such a procedure denotes, moreover, that not everyone sees us as universal brothers and does not even treat us as such. We are simple guinea pigs for some of them. Such a case - indeed, an emotionally very painful experience - was described by the writer Whitley Strieber involving his own life. [10]

In general, abduction victims' reports indicate that aliens extract our semen, eggs and blood, basically for carrying out genetic experiments. It is worth noting that a considerable number of victims - subsequently subjected to the process of regressive hypnosis - remembered seeing hybrid beings in the places where they were taken, which reinforces this perception. In spite of the high knowledge and intelligence of these beings, the moral factor does not seem to have been properly cast in them, judging by their conduct towards us. Therefore, not everyone who visits us has appreciation for us or our needs. Some of them use us as if we were laboratory animals. On Earth, on the other hand, there is already a concern in the way we treat our animals in research, to the point that some scientific publications add specific clauses in article submission processes.

Following this line of reasoning, it is pertinent to recall Allan Kardec's findings in this regard:

“3. From the teaching given by the Spirits, it follows that the conditions of the worlds are very different from each other, as to the degree of advance or inferiority of their inhabitants. Among them are those in which the latter are still inferior to those on Earth, physically and morally; others, in the same category as ours; and others that are more or less superior to all respects. In the lower worlds, existence is all material, passions reign supreme, and moral life is almost nil. As it develops, the influence of matter decreases, in such a way that, in the most advanced worlds, life is, so to speak, all spiritual”. [11]

Thanks to Kardec's effort, we are also clear that:

“4. In the intermediate worlds, good and evil are mixed, with one or the other predominating, according to the degree of progress of the majority of those who inhabit them. Although it is not possible to make an absolute classification of the different worlds, it is possible, however, by virtue of the state in which they find themselves and the destination they bring, based on the most salient nuances, to divide them, in general, as follows: primitive worlds, destined for the first incarnations of the human soul; worlds of atonement and trials, where evil dominates; worlds of regeneration, in which souls who still have atonement to draw new strength, resting from the struggle of the fights; happy worlds, where good overcomes evil; heavenly or divine worlds, houses of purified Spirits, where good reigns exclusively. The Earth belongs to the category of the worlds of atonement and tests, which is why man lives there with so many miseries.” [12]

That said, we know little about the origin of these beings, as well as their real intention towards us. It is true that some are here exploring our fauna, flora and mineral resources - apparently driven by obscure purposes. Surprisingly, the consensus opinion in the UFO community prevails that the main governments of our world are working in partnership with some of these alien races. It is speculated that they aim to acquire strategic advantages over the opposing nations.

Evidently, this is a dangerous game in which the aliens, apparently, are manipulating the leaders here very well (after all, they know well our weaknesses and our desire for power), carrying out experiments with humans - it is speculated - with their acquiescence.

After all, renowned researchers, such as Prof. David Jacobs, who has conducted more than 1,400 hypnotic regression sessions with abductees (by the way, according to him, about 2% of the American population has experienced abduction), identified that they have an interest in dominating our world, since the Earth is a rich orb considering its natural resources. For Prof. Jacobs, the intention of the aliens is clear: “The abductees' testimonies are very straightforward: the aliens are not just planning a global take, they are already executing it. Hybrids [beings indistinguishable from human beings in all aspects, except for neurological capacity] already live here and others are on their way”. [13]

It should be clarified that this text has only the purpose of alerting, not scaring anyone. However, the available evidence allows us to infer that we are entering a new evolutionary phase, with very complex challenges to be faced. On the other hand, Spiritism reveals to us that we are not disinherited by luck. Fortunately, there are those who love us on both sides of life. From the spiritual angle, the Spirit Joanna de Angelis ponders that, wherever we are, we are and will always be “under the command of God”. For the wise mentor, “The author of the Universe takes care of his work and everything that exists”. [14]

Reinforcing this vision, the eminent Spirit Manoel Philomeno de Miranda reports that missionaries from another world - he quotes those from Alcione - have been incarnating on Earth exactly to help our planet rise to the next level. [15] It is assumed that they bring values and a more advanced ethical-moral framework than ours. Furthermore, they are carriers of an intrinsic wisdom that we do not yet have.

Thus, we conclude that we will not be helpless when the time comes to deal with something completely untouched by the cultural and educational standards under which we live. There is another higher reality that overlaps our extremely modest one, which we need to accept and integrate with quickly, that is, the cosmic and universal.

Therefore, with the planetary transition we will also begin our integration with the community of the inhabited worlds through direct contact with other species in the Universe. As a result of this inevitable change, we will have to learn to be a more united and cohesive race, before any other action (something unusual for us until now), so as not to succumb to the loss of identity and freedom. In this sense, the recommendation given by beings who really wish us good: “[...] Resist persuasion. Return to your inner authority, the great gift that the Creator gave you. Become a force to be reckoned with by anyone who violates or denies your fundamental rights.” [16]

For them, “This is spiritual power being expressed. It is the will of the Creator that Humanity emerges in the Greater Community united and free from foreign intervention and domination. It is the Creator's will that you prepare for a future that will be different from your past [...]. ”[17]

Finally, the creation of the "Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force" in the United States is a highly suggestive measure of the scenario analyzed above. Therefore, it is possible to infer that other challenges await us in the transition process. And. this is not fiction!



1. See, for example, CHILDRESS, David H. Technology of the Gods: the incredible sciences of the ancients. Kempton, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2000.

2. KARDEC, Allan. Genesis. 53rd edition. Brasilia: FEB, 2013, p. 101.

3. _____________. _________, P. 98.

4. _____________. _________, P. 120.

5. Available at: link-1 (Accessed on June 24, 2020).

6. Available at: link-2 (Accessed on June 24, 2020).

7. Available at: link-3 (Accessed on June 24, 2020).

8. CAMARGO, Jackson Luiz. UFOs in the Space and on the Moon. UFO Library Collection. Curitiba, PR: Publisher Monalisa, 2020.

9. TICCHETTI, Thiago Luiz. Guide to extraterrestrial typology. 2nd edition. UFO Library Collection. Editora Monalisa, Curitiba, PR: 2018.

10. STRIEBER, Whitley. Communion. Rio de Janeiro: RJ, Editora Record, 1983.

11. KARDEC, Allan. The Gospel According to Spiritism. 131st edition. Brasilia: FEB, p. 58.

12. _____________. _________.

13. JACOBS, David. Infiltrated: the alien plan to control humanityUFO library. Curitiba, PR: Editora Monalisa, 2017, p. 257.

14. FRANCO, Divaldo P. (By the Spirit Joanna de Angelis). Give yourself to God. Catanduva, SP: Intervidas, 2010, p. 148.

15. FRANCO, Divaldo P. (By the Spirit Manoel Philomeno de Miranda). Planetary transition. 2nd edition. Salvador, BA: Livraria Espirita Alvorada Editora, 2010, chapter 16.

16. SUMMERS, Marshall Vian. The allies of humanity. UFO Library Collection. Curitiba, PR: Editora Monalisa, 2019, p. 145.

17. _____________. _________.

Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br



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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita