importance of the movie
theatre to spread Spiritism
Movie theatre as a tool of
spreading Spiritism is one
of the themes in the
interview given by the
confrere Claiton de Freitas
Miranda, from Brasília (DF),
where he was born and works
at the Spiritist Centre
Sebastião the Martyr, where
he participates in the
direct board. He is
post-graduated in cinema and
presents us an overview of
the seventh art and its uses
to spread spiritist
teachings. The interview is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Another spot is the especial
titled The mediumship
after Chico Xavier,
authored by Vladimir Alexei,
one of the writers of our
magazine. He explains in the
article that the theme can
be approached in many
different ways: mediumship
in society based on the
phenomena; the mediumship at
the spiritist houses;
mediumship in social
assistance and human
motivation; mediumship
reading, and many more. The
article is about the last
The CEJA Barra, one of the
most important spiritist
house in Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
returned to have presential
lectures last month. Our
collaborator Maria Rachel
Coelho Pereira tells us
about it in an especial
report with focus on the
lecture that happened on
October 147th by
the psychologist Tatiane
Bellieny about the theme
“Family grievances and
resentments: Free yourself”.
The report is one of the
spots of this number.