Spiritism For Kids

por Marcela Prada


Theme: Cooperation

Julinha and her family

Julinha lived with her family in a countryside area, far from the city. Her father worked on the land.

He weeded, sowed, plowed and planted, but the money was low and he couldn't buy many things. However, the family had precious things that couldn´t be bought.

Everyone cared about each other and shared everything they had, even if it was little.

 In the morning, after everyone got up, they sat at the table to have breakfast. Julinha's mother placed a clean towel on the table and served bread that she made for each one.

Her father milked Malhada, the cow very early, brought the milk and poured a glass for each one.

After breakfast, Julinha and Junior, her brother, went to school, which, due to being far away, required a good walk from them.

Before leaving, Julinha went to the orchard and brought some fruits that she shared with her brother to eat at break time. Junior carried some materials from his sister to relieve the weight she had to carry.

After returning from school, Julinha had lunch, played a little and then went to do her homework.

One day, Julinha did not find her pencil when picking up her material. After looking hard, she concluded that she must have lost it on the way.

The girl was very worried and, almost crying, she thought:

- How am I going to do my homework? I have to do an essay to deliver to the teacher tomorrow!

Upon learning of his sister's problem, Junior soon went to her, saying:

- Don't be sad, Julinha. I lend you my pencil.

Julinha thanked her brother and managed to do her homework, happily.

After schoolwork, the siblings helped their parents with household chores. They fed the animals, helped with cleaning and tidying the house. There were no fights or arguments. Each one knew what to do and did the activities with satisfaction.

And so, cooperating and helping each other, everyone lived well and very happy.

Adaptation of the story “A girl called Julinha” from the Spiritist hobby website.

Larissa Martine - larissa_am@hotmail.com


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O Consolador
 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita