music now has its own
We refer to the Spiritist
Collection, a service
available on the internet
aimed at the dissemination
of spiritist music. The one
who created it - Gabriel de
Oliveira Mathias - is our
interviewee. Born in
Cachoeiro do Itapemirim
(ES), where he resides, he
tells us about the origin
and purpose of the website
and its importance for the
dissemination of the work of
the new spiritist composers
and, by extension, of the
spiritist teachings. The
interview, organized by
tireless companion Orson
Peter Carrara, is one of the
highlights of this edition.
Another highlight is the
Special “From Genesis to
Quantum Biophysics: in a
time of pandemic”, authored
by the clinical psychologist
Arleir Francisco Bellieny,
who, in addition to being an
internationally renowned
Spiritist exhibitor, is a
founding member of the Rio
de Janeiro Medical-Spiritist
Association and of the
Association (AME
International). In the
article, he comments on the
relationship over time
between science and religion
and the signs that the
alliance between the two is
not far off.
Gebaldo José de Sousa offers
us to the view another
curious episode related to
the great poet and novelist
Victor Hugo, which occurred
on the occasion of a trip he
made to the province of
Zealand, in the Netherlands.
The report, initially
published by the newspaper Liberté,
was reproduced by Allan
Kardec in the Spiritist
Magazine of December 1867.
Entitled “An upset
resurrection”, the text
reiterates the well-known
novelist's conviction about
Spiritism. The article is
also one of the highlights
of this issue.