From the constitution of a field of knowledge called
Science, its conflicts with Religion, about life and the
universe, became frequent and shared now more, now less,
by the literate world. These clashes did not always
occur peacefully even when, as a precaution, some
scientists made public their allegiance to religious
authorities. History records several emblematic cases,
however, we selected only two, considering: (a) the
importance of the issues involved; (b) the temporal
duration of the conflicts; (c) the long-term outcome of
the results of the positions of Science and Religion. We
intend to present, thus, a parallel between these cases,
with the clashes also experienced when Allan Kardec
presented the Spiritist ideas.
1. Geocentrism versus Heliocentrism.
At first, the divergence occurred in the scope of
Science, since the first paradigm contradicted new
discoveries, which could no longer be contested. This
crisis of explanatory positions was prolonged and
strengthened a new Astronomy, with the Sun at the center
of the system. The Earth's location in the central
position of the known cosmos, was part of the system
elaborated by Claudio Ptolemy, Greek philosopher and
mathematician (90 to 100 a / C). His main work, known as
Almagest, is considered “the most valuable
astronomical knowledge of the time” (1). In
that treatise, abundantly illustrated, Ptolemy placed
the Earth motionless in the center of the cosmos, with
the Sun and the Moon surrounding it. Geocentrism,
largely based on Aristotle, was one of the first “maps”
of the cosmos elaborated in Astronomy (2). By
extension, it provided a resource for the consolidation
of Christian Theology on the creation of man apart from
other organisms, his destiny, original sin, paradise,
purgatory, space of angels in the various heavens, etc.,
etc. Some of Almagest's illustrations on the
position of the Earth and the subsequent theology,
largely populated the popular imagination, considering
that the Sun is perceived to appear on the horizon, “to
travel a length until it is at its peak and then
declines on the opposite side". Heliocentrism, a system
initiated by Nicolaus Copernicus, received the
contribution of other researchers such as Tycho Brahe,
Giordano Bruno, Johannes Kepler and Galileu Galilei, who
contributed to its consolidation. It is interesting to
remember that Copernicus was a Canon and was very
reluctant to publish his work The Revolutions,
the first impression of which occurred on the day of his
death (3). The fact is that the Church was
slow to oppose the new paradigm, which only occurred in
1616. However, the clerical reaction took place against
Galileo, condemned by the Inquisition to life
imprisonment, which was later eased by home
imprisonment. This conflict, which lasted for a long
time, has an important historical value in the search
for the truth.
The theory of evolution. Darwin, the author of "The
Origins of the Species" had strong ties to the
Anglican church. Family members, especially his father,
pressured him to pursue an ecclesiastical career.
However, what really determined his destiny as a
scientist was an unexpected invitation to a long voyage
on the ship Beagle, a vessel of His Majesty, equipped
for research. The trip, a trip around the world, allowed
Darwin a unique opportunity for observation, collection
of specimens of flora, fauna and also of fossils.
However, there is no evidence that, in this period, he
was already thinking about the species transformation
process (4). Only after his arrival,
describing, classifying and categorizing the entire
collection obtained, did the idea of
transformation gradually become evident. Darwin (5)
was a disciplined, patient and cautious observer of
inferences. At the time, there was a favorable climate
for a broad theory of evolution. Several scientists did
not accept that living beings were just those described
in the Bible. The estimate of the age of the Earth was
also questioned and, after all, fossils brought
information that could not be ignored. In any case, even
with great support from notable scientists, it took
Darwin a long time to publish The Origins of Species,
until he received from a young researcher, Alfred
Russell Wallace, in 1858 (6), a report with
content similar to what he had prepared. According to
Browne (7), afterwards, under pressure from
colleagues and friends, he decided to publish “The
origin of species”, where the term evolution was
omitted. There was a notable reaction, in editorial
terms, with the first edition being sold out on the same
day of the launch. The theme aroused London society,
however the objections came from both religious and some
researchers. From then on Darwin, even though very ill,
did not fail to respond in writing to his critics, but
he avoided debates. As for these, biologist Thomas
Huxley (1825-1895) made a point of participating. A
famous debate took place between Huxley and Bishop
Samuel Owen, at the Museum of Natural History, under the
patronage of the British Society for the Advancement of
Science in Oxford (8, p.103). At a given
moment, the bishop would have provoked the biologist: “Are
you related to a monkey by your grandmother or
grandfather?” Huxley would have replied: "I would
rather have a miserable ape as a grandfather than a man
who introduced mockery in an important scientific
discussion." Despite all these disagreements with
the prelates, Darwin was buried with all honors at
London's Westminster Abbey, a place reserved for great
historical figures. Already in the following century,
Darwin's theory of evolution, thanks to new discoveries,
especially coming from genetics and paleontology,
underwent enormous transformations, maintaining,
however, the initial premise of removing from man the
privilege of a special creature, similar to what
heliocentrism did with our planet. As Darwin's theory of
evolution, and its subsequent update from the middle of
the 19th century, denies the biblical version
of the History of the world and the appearance of man on
the planet, a religious movement, called fundamentalism,
started in the United States and spread, notably across
the west. This movement intends to return to beliefs, as
they appear in the Bible, without interpretive
conceptions. Nowadays, now more explicitly, the
controversy between evolutionism and creationism gains
great visibility, observing that many scientific
discoveries are denied, such as the age of the Earth,
the existence of pre-flood species etc.
3. Spiritist theories and Allan Kardec.
Spiritist phenomena are as old as the presence of man on
the planet. Contacts with such phenomena led to
different beliefs that, in some way, influenced life and
customs. There are several Spiritist theories, some of
which are based on empirical research. In summary, some
of the themes refer to: (a) previous existence of the
Spirit to the body; (b) plurality of incarnations
(or reincarnation); (c) habitability of many orbs
in the cosmos; (d) communicability between the
disincarnated and the incarnated; (e) continuous
spiritual evolution. Some of these themes are originally
prior to Spiritism, for example, reincarnation. However,
the Spiritist Doctrine has its own view of them. In the
case of reincarnation, the old doctrines established
that the return of a Spirit to a new physical body had,
as a scope, the punishment of faults in previous lives.
In addition to denying reincarnation as a punitive
instrument, in the Kardecian assumptions, the Spirit
does not evolve retroactively, so it cannot reincarnate
in animal bodies, as Judaism supposes (8).
Based on the current definition of Science, Spiritism
cannot be understood as one of them, for example,
Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Sociology and
others, even considering that many of the Spiritist
phenomena have been the object of scientific
investigation. For example, tangible appearances were
studied by Willian Crookes, an English physicist and a
member of the Royal Society of Science (9).
Reincarnation has also been the subject of descriptive
research (10) with scientific methodology.
Allan Kardec (11) became interested in
contact with the spiritual world when he realized that
the phenomena called “turning tables” were directed by
intelligences that called themselves Spirits. The
contents brought by such entities, spontaneously or in
response to the evocations made, were diversified and
favoring a selection in relation to the themes. Kardec
realized that a new world was opening up to him and that
he needed an investigative method to better understand
it. The method he created established that: (a)
the acceptance of new information could only occur if it
coincided in its content with that of various Spirits,
through different mediums, in different places; (b)
all information coming from the Spirits, should be
subjected to a careful rational analysis, and may remain
waiting for the appropriate moment for its acceptance,
regardless of its multiple origins. Kardec maintained
regular contact with the spiritual world for several
years, applying this method. On this journey, he
published several books that became known as basic
works, founded a Spiritist Society, created a monthly
journal, the Spiritist Magazine, personally responded to
all correspondence received and made trips in response
to invitations to orient new Spiritist groups. Although
he selected questions, ordered and categorized the
answers and messages coming from the spiritual world,
Kardec was not simply an organizer of publications,
which is undoubtedly the most important task. His work
went further. In this sense, we are interested in
emphasizing that the designation of the Codifier of
Spiritism is not entirely suited to the activities he
was engaged in. Although this is not new, we remember
that the term Codifier of Spiritism suggests activities
to gather in codes, norms or laws, in the Spiritist
case, organize a sparse set of information of a
transcendental character, classifying and categorizing
them. However, his work often went beyond what this
denomination communicates, including: (a)
thematic analysis and classification of information
(messages) brought by Spirits; (b) elaboration of
new questions, presenting them to the Spirits in
sessions with different mediums: (c)
confrontation of possible biases of informant Spirits
and fellow students; (d) creation of an
investigation method for analyzing the messages of the
Spirits, as presented; (e) elaboration of
thematic synthesis texts such as, “The Book of
Spirits“; “The Book of Mediums”; “The
Gospel According to Spiritism”; “Heaven and Hell”;
“Genesis” “What is Spiritism”; (f)
organization of the Spiritist Society of Paris; (g)
launch and direction of The Spiritist Studies Magazine,
and so on. The products in terms of the books, the
collection of the Spiritist Magazine, and especially his
modus operandi, bring his activities closer to
those of a researcher in Anthropology, not yet
established at the time as Science, or Sociology and
Psychology. Camille Flammarion, in a speech at the
funeral ceremonial of Allan Kardec, highlights his
performance in the scope of the research, calling it "The
good sense incarnate" (12). It should be
remembered that the journal for the dissemination of
Spiritism, founded by Kardec in Paris, received the
name: Spiritist Magazine: Journal of Psychological
With some similarity to the saga of the other
researchers listed here, Kardec initially had little
support, only receiving more direct collaboration after
the formation of the Spiritist Society and the creation
of the Spiritist Magazine. Like Copernicus and Darwin,
the two researchers cited, the written productions were
fiercely contested by the clergy. Although, at the time
of the emergence of Spiritism, a clerical reaction was
no longer justified beyond the limits of doctrinal
discussion. Some clerics, however, adopted unfriendly
positions and Spiritist works sent by Allan Kardec to
burned in a public square, going down in History as “Act
of Faith of Barcelona”.
By way of conclusion
Two great premises of Spiritism refer us to Copernicus
and Darwin. The first is related to the understanding of
the Sun, as a star that aggregates other planets in its
system, among them the Earth. The new map of the Cosmos
at the time, and the developments that followed, served
as a basis for the Spiritist theory about habitability
in different worlds to be acceptable. At the time,
astronomers of respectable position, such as, for
example, Camille Flammarion, defended the theory of the
plurality of inhabited worlds (13). This
agreement on intelligent extraterrestrial life is
currently accepted by several scientists, including the
Americans Carl Sagan and Frank Drake, who suggested
including in the ships Voyager 1 and 2 “a recorded
message with technical-scientific information, songs and
phrases in all languages
on Earth” in search of other civilizations (15).
The other premise, refers to the theory of evolution. In
opposing biblical creationism, a considerable number of
scientists deny, in principle, a purpose in evolution,
assuming that it occurs as a result of the struggle for
survival. Spiritism also does not accept the creation
story, as narrated in the book of Genesis, considering
it as a symbolic message, lacking any interpretations.
However, Spiritism has an evolutionary theory of Spirit
(14). The spiritual principle would have
passages in the three Kingdoms of Nature and, in
humanity, it would continue its ascent until the
condition of pure Spirit. Considering this premise, it
is possible to assume that the properly evolved Spirits
would act in nature at different levels of complexity
(15). New knowledge brought by Science thus
plays an important role in balancing the foundations of
the models built, offering subsidies for new models that
influence not only scientific thinking, but also beliefs
and the way societies organize themselves. Although it
cannot be classified strictly as Science, Spiritism
played and still plays a similar role, due to its
history and ideas contained in its main themes. However,
caution should be exercised in order not to fall into
idyllic metaphysics or dogmatic pragmatism. When in
doubt, follow Kardec and we will be with Science.
I am very grateful to Andre Ricardo de Souza, Lucas Del
Prette and Zilda A. P. Del Prette for having read this
text and for their suggestions.
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