Letter to the reader

Year 15 - 724 - June 6, 2021

The importance of spiritist music in the activities of the spiritist center

The sentence above summarizes the central theme of the interview given to us by musician, composer and singer Lânio Silvério Thomáz, from Anápolis (GO), who currently resides in the city of Luziânia, where he is part of the CEPAC team - Peace, Love and Charity Spiritist Centre. Spiritist since 2005, he works with spiritist music in all spiritist houses where he is invited. In the interview he tells us about the importance of art, especially music, in Spiritist institutions.

Another highlight of the edition is the Special “Reincarnate as Learning”, authored by our collaborator Temi Mary Faccio Simionato. In the article she highlights the educational function of successive existences. "Reincarnation - she says - is the path of great light", since, with each new existence, we take a step on the path of progress and we strip ourselves of all impurities, until one day we no longer need trials of corporeal existence.

With the theme: "Health for the 3rd Millennium" the 8th British Congress on Medicine & Spirituality was held on May 22, an event jointly promoted by BUSS, the British Spiritist Federation, and the newly founded BSMA - Medical Association -British Spiritist, with support from AME Internacional, Kardec Radio Broadcast and Spiritist Academy videos. Elsa Rossi tells us about the important event.

  Astolfo O. de Oliveira Filho
Director of Writing

José Carlos Munhoz Pinto
Administrative Director


Francine Prado




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 Revista Semanal de Divulgação Espírita